Day 05 - 3L

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"Don't worry, he'll eventually get back here in no time

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"Don't worry, he'll eventually get back here in no time. Give the guy some space."
Jennie reprimanded Lisa as she pats her best friend's back.

"It's just that, our last conversation didn't end up well. Does he have a problem with our parents wedding?"

"Jungkook is fine, Lisa. Stop worrying."
Joy stated as she took a scoop of jelly and bring it to her mouth.

Lalisa's friends are all invited with her mom's wedding and the squad is complete but Jungkook left them immediately after the ceremony ended. He didn't even hesitate to ditch his dad's reception. It makes the girl worried big time, after all they are now officially siblings.

"The guy needs time."
Jisoo who's seating beside her sister said after taking an instagram story in her phone about the hotel's venue. One girl can dream about the perfect wedding and this is phenomenal.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"
All the girls look at her with unbelievable eyes. Is their friend that numb or just plain naive?

"Well, we're not in the position to tell you something."
Nayeon answered and Mina agreed with a nod. Lisa can only sighed as she tried to divert her attention into something else.

Then right the exact time, The emcee told them that they can now join the newlyweds on the dance floor after giving them time with their first dance together.

Jennie squealed and stood up from her seat as she quickly pulled her boyfriend with her on the dance floor. Yoongi whined of course but later on he indulged on her girl's request.

"I wish I had a boyfriend too."
Mina dreamily said as they watched the couple joining the newlyweds on the dance floor.

"You don't have to wish, Mina. I think someone is coming to get you."
Nayeon whispered between Lisa and Mina as their eyes shifted to the guy who's taking his time to walk to them.

"I guess that's also my cue."
Said, Joy who saw Jin behind Hoseok while giving a flying kiss on the video camera. She stood up from her seat while shaking her head in disbelief as she pulled Seokjin's ear to take him off from the camera's view and dragged him to the dance floor.

"Why is he taking him so long???"
Mina impatiently said as she stood up and held Lisa's wrist.

"Hey where are you taking me??!"

"Jimin would understand! Come on!"
The japanese girl said as they left Nayeon and Jisoo alone. Lisa defeatedly followed the whipped girl.

"I mean, it's obvious that he also wanted to take you to dance but I knew that midget is shy to even ask you himself. Look he keep staring at you, the boy is head over heels!"
Mina gritted with her teeth and Lisa laughed at how adorable the girl is.

"Stop that! He's not! I mean, he never said those three words yet."
Mina suddenly stop from dragging her as she gave her an incredulous look.

"Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me?"

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