Day 15 - 1L

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Thirteen young adults are formed into a circle and now facing each other

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Thirteen young adults are formed into a circle and now facing each other. The atmosphere is heavy and down as every single one of them regretted playing the game of 'truth and dare'.

"You kissed who, Taehyung?"
Jennie repeated the question. She can't still believe what she just heard from him.

"I already said it, Jen. I won't repeat it for the second time."
Taehyung is not in the mood to play any games right now when obviously each one of them is intoxicated with alcohols and cigarettes.

"He said, he kissed Lisa."
Jisoo was the one to answer his supposed question and Jungkook who heard it for the second time bitterly scoffed as he decided to stand up and dragged himself away from that circle.

"I'm done with games. The main point here is we party."
He said and finished the can of beer on his hand in one go.

"For the first time? I agree with that kid."
Yoongi also stood up and one by one they scattered away from that boiling atmosphere and decided to ignore the fact that they open an old wound from the past and just continued to party.

However, four people have been left behind on that spot. Taehyung, Jisoo, Jimin, and Lisa.

- Few Hours Earlier -

"Jimin can you stop taking pictures of me?"
Lisa hides her blushing face with her both hands as she scoots closer to Jennie.

"Yeah hyung. Take a picture of me instead."
Hoseok suggested as he makes poses but the latter ignored him and put his camera back on his bag.

"Wow. The disrespect."
Hoseok exaggeratedly muttered making everyone laughed inside the rented van.

Not long enough they reached their destination and Seokjin who's driving the van parked it inside the huge parking lot of the Jeon's residence. One by one they got out from the van with their bags and luggage.

The big door opened and Jeon who's still on his sleeping robe welcomed them, he is still rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand and the tie of his robe loosened that reveals his milky white toned stomach.

"Are you welcoming us, kid? Or seducing?"
He chuckled at Jennie's comment. Jungkook went here first at dawn to check the house and that's probably why he was still asleep at five in the afternoon.

"Is it working old hag?"
He lazily smirked at her and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Stop flirting with my girl, Jeon."
Yoongi warned.

"Nah. She's not my type. Old hag is ugly."

Jungkook chuckled and seems pleased on seeing Jennie fuming in anger again. He then urged them all to go in. Oddly, they were no other people besides them. The Jeon's bodyguards, maids, and butlers were nowhere to be seen.

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