Day 18 - 2T

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He stares at his hot coffee while waiting for his girlfriend to come

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He stares at his hot coffee while waiting for his girlfriend to come. Kim Taehyung had struggled sleeping last night because of something he wished he should've not seen.

But yesterday was worse, he didn't even sleep a blink that causes his brain to stop working at class making his professor furious at him for not paying attention.

So he made sure he slept last night even just for 3 hours.

The girl with long brown hair and a beautiful smile won't leave his mind. Maybe, she was right after all.. that he and her cannot be just friends after his stupid act at the elevator a month ago.

Why did he kiss her that time anyway?

Oh right! He wanted to confirm his confused feelings and yes, he had learned that he wants her. He wants her so bad that he couldn't let go of their friendship.

However, He also doesn't want to let go of Jisoo. He waited for this for too long to finally be with her and Taehyung couldn't just give up like that. He also wanted their relationship to work so he ignored his growing feelings for Lisa.

He convinced his self that they were only friends and nothing more.

So every time he will feel those butterflies inside his stomach when she's with him? Taehyung kills it as fast as he can because he knows it is wrong.

It's excruciating. Kim Taehyung is also in pain but no one needs to know that. He can guarantee that he can handle his self and this mess-up situation that he's in.

That's what he thought...

Not until the night when he saw Lisa and Jimin kissing with his own eyes. He was there that night when the first snow dropped. Taehyung was about to buy some cheese nuggets at the nearest convenience store because he was craving, but what he saw the moment he's outside the apartment made his hungry stomach lose its appetite.

He saw how they giggled after the kiss and how Lisa let Jimin to kissed her again for the second time. Until he couldn't longer take the scene in front of him so he went back to the elevator as he quickly headed back towards his apartment and closes his bedroom door with a loud bang.

His throat forming a lump and he felt how his eyes sting. Although he didn't cry that night? He was very frustrated to the point where he bruised his knuckles for punching the wall.

And now, he already knows where to stand. He already gets why Lisa said that 'making him hers' would be her greatest mistake because of what he just witnessed on that Wednesday night.

Lisa likes him but not as much as how she had learned to like Jimin more.

Taehyung sips at his cup of coffee as he checked the time on his wristwatch, 8:15 am. By the time he switched his gaze to the door he saw the raven-haired girl whom he's waiting for exactly 20 minutes long. That's okay, he wanted to be alone for a moment to clear his thoughts first before talking to his girlfriend and going to class.

"Sorry I'm late, did I took too long?"
Was the first thing Jisoo said when she took the seat in front of Taehyung. She put her things on the desk and her bag on her side.

"No, Soo. You're just right on time."
Taehyung watched his girl with a soft smile radiating his now calm mood. He then gave the hot chocolate he ordered for her.

"You know that I preferred black coffee right."
Great. He forgot. If only he's not thinking about her. He's being unfair again with his girl and he felt bad.

"I'm sorry. Do you want to—"

"No, it's okay.. I'll drink this. Anyways, how's your sleep?"
She butted in and gave him a small smile rather than fighting about coffees.

"Better than yesterday."
He yawned and rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands. Jisoo lean a little bit to fix the scarf on his neck.

"Hmm, that's good."
She commented.

He stared at the beautiful girl and wonder why does he keep hurting her? Even with the smile on her face right now he can see the sadness in her eyes.

"Tae? I want us to talk."
Her hands rested on his cheeks and her gaze straightly looking on his eyes. She look wary and hesitant but Jisoo needed to ask this. She just can't keep fighting when she knows she'll have the losing part.

"Go on, I'm listening."
Taehyung reached for her hands and hold it on his.

"Tell me babe, is this still worth fighting?"
Her voice is soft and sounded so exhausted. Right on that time he noticed the dark circles under her eyes.

It pained him to see her this way. This is not the thing he promised he'll bring to her when they finally got together. Taehyung promised happiness to Jisoo but instead he gave the opposite.

"Yes. Please, don't give up on me."
He choked and the bottled up tears since last night ran down on his cold cheeks. Jisoo who witnessed this quickly stood up from her seat and pulled her boyfriend into a tight hug.


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