Day 18 - 4L

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"So? Do you want to tell me something, Mrs

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"So? Do you want to tell me something, Mrs. Park?"
Jennie teasingly laughed at me when she noticed something had a few changes between Jimin and I.

He is still grumpy as always but he is more caring now like; he will put his arm around my shoulders, he will fix my hair when he sees that it's messy, he will buy me food, and well we spend more time together.

I bit my lower lip and tried my best not to smile back at Jennie because I know for sure it will please her.

"Are you a mute now, Lisa?"
There is still this playfulness at the tone of her voice, I looked at her warily and decided to spill a few facts. Well, Jennie is like my best friend now.

"We had a moment."

"Omg! You and Jimin kissed?!"

"What?! I didn't say anything like that!"

"Oh, you're so defensive, Lisa!"
She laughed at me.

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are~"
She kept teasing me and I just rolled my eyes and continued fixing my things so that I can escape from this gossip girl.

"You dating him now?"
I zipped my bag and put it on my shoulder. Oh gosh, this is unbelievable.

"Jennie? No. Stop being so delusional about me and him. Oppa and I had some moments but that's really it! I don't even know if he likes me.."
My back leaned on the table next to hers as I crossed my arms on my chest. Simply, waiting for Jennie to finished on what she's doing.

She stopped and look at me.

"Of course he likes you!!! And I think everyone knows about that! Except probably.. you?"
Jennie pointed at me and winked before she fixes her paint brushes again.

"Whatever Jen. I gotta go."
I rolled my eyes and didn't wait for her anymore because not for long Yoongi will come here to pick her up.

And speaking of picking up? Jungkook texted me that he already went home. He's really busy these past few days and I wonder why is that?

I often see him in the apartment. He always locks himself inside his room and only goes out when it's dinner or breakfast.

I once overheard him shouting on the phone while talking to his dad. I thought they are on good terms? Is this about the company? Or something more?

"Just make sure you have no feelings with Taehyung anymore when you decided to give Jimin sunbae a chance!!!"
I had been pulled out on my thoughts when Jennie shouted at me before I walked out from our classroom.

I gave her a quick glance and she is waving at me.

"Don't mess it up!"
She then continued. I didn't utter a response and just went straight to the corridors without looking back at Jennie.

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