Day 07 - 2L

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With my arms crossed over my chest, I leaned my back at the door to shut it close

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With my arms crossed over my chest, I leaned my back at the door to shut it close.

"Now, what?"
I squinted my eyes with sarcasm as I pressed the lock on my door, of course I don't want anyone to misunderstood this. What if someone barge into my room and sees him? That would be a lot of explaining to do and I'm too lazy for that.

I sighed exasperatedly with my thoughts as I shifted back my attention to the person who's in front of me.

Jimin shrugged nonchalantly, but his gaze rested on me thoughtfully for a few moments before he roamed his gaze to the entire room. Thankfully, I had the time to clean this morning or else I'll be drowning in shame for my untidiness.

Then he started walking to my vanity mirror. My expression gradually changed when I saw the thing that caught his interest.

"I didn't know you are this sentimental."
Jimin was not looking at me, he was amazed by the tons of sticky notes I keep on my vanity mirror.

I softly smiled and joined him.

"Yes I am. It gives me something to look forward to everyday. Why, Jimin? Do you perhaps know the sender?"
I challenged him. Eyes squinting amusedly at him but he pulled me close and locked me in his arms.

"What if, I said 'yes' doll? What will you do?"
He hummed and rested his head on mine. It felt comfortable, him on my back and his arms wrapped around me. I released a sigh when I feel his heartbeats beating softly against my back.

"Nothing. I already know who he is."
I gently shake my head as I stared at our reflection on the mirror. His eyes were closed in satisfaction as he let out a small chuckle.

Jimin was amused.

"Yes. The first blue ones, it's obviously from Chaeyoung since she always put her initials after every notes. But when it comes to here and the yellow ones, do you have any idea who he is?"
I explained my little theory at him and Jimin was now looking at me on the mirror. He had that tender smile and I felt him tightened his hold on me, my hands slid to caressed his arms as I glanced up at Jimin.

He chuckled under his breath and I nodded.

"Right. It is you."
Jimin planted a soft kiss on my temple when I agreed with him. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"How did you know?"

"I asked Hoseok about it. Yes, he admit he was the one putting sticky notes on my locker and desk but you were the one writing it."
After I saw Hoseok at the library, I went to find him the day after it. I showed him about the blue sticky notes he accidentally left and he admitted it was him who's putting those on my locker when we were highschool but he strongly said that it was not him whose writing those.

However, he never said it was Jimin too. But the same penmanship says 'yes'.

I've been observing him since the moment I went to his house for the first time and everything went strange after that.

"Since you're already in college that time, you asked him to do it for you."
It was just my theory. He was older than me for two years and he was very close with Hoseok and that's the only theoretical reason I had.

"But the question is, why did you do it?"
I straightly look at him through the mirror and he was already looking at me. Amused was playing on his gaze but he refused to answer me though and only pulled me to the bed and our body fell down on the soft comfort of my bed.

His arms are still wrapped around me and I softly crashed on his hard chest. My forehead creased but his head lift up and giggled at my glare.

He asked, muffling his chuckles.

"You're not planning to answer me, are you?"
I nibbled my lower lip and squinted my eyes. Jimin smiled at me affectionately.

"I don't know what you're saying, doll. Well, can we sleep now? I'm sleepy."
He pulled our body in a more comfortable position as he hurled us inside the thick blankets.

Who urge you to do that for me, Jimin? We don't even know each other that time.

His fingers caressed my palm warmly and then he brushed the hair away from my cheek. Jimin's gaze had so much in it that I failed to read the words between the line. But one thing is for sure...

"You're only avoiding the topic."
I pouted and scooted closer to him. Hugging him, tightly.

"I'm not. Sleep, Lalisa."
I felt his warm breath on the top of my head. Hauling me to sleep.

But before I went to dream land, I bravely asked him about the thing that I've been wanting to ask for a long time now.

I don't know where I got the courage to do so but it was too late to even back out cause I heard myself calling his name.


His sleepy voice entered my ears.

With my fast beating heart, I tightly close my eyes and blurted the words I was hesitating to asked.
"What are we?"

I felt his body stiffened. Now, I'm regretting my words. What the heck I'm thinking? I really get stupid sometimes. Now, I put the both of us in an awkward position.

Although, I know deep down in my heart. I'm dying to hear those three words from him.

Say it, Jimin and I'm yours.

Minutes had passed he is still silent. What are you even waiting for, Jimin? Please say it.. I unknowingly clenched my fist on his shirt, maybe letting him know that I'm waiting for his answer.

We both knew that what we showed to each other these past few weeks were ain't just friendship. It was something more...

But what's stopping him?

"I don't know... What are we Lalisa?"
I heard the small insecurity in his voice. And him passing the question to me was an obvious act that he was assuring things with me. Why are you still in doubt? Didn't I showed you enough? I heaved a deep shaky breath.

I bit my lower lip as I put a lot of effort in holding back my tears. 

"I also don't know."
I said, shaking my head a little bit. Jimin then unwrapped his arms around me but I didn't pulled off mine. I don't want him to see my expression so I buried my face on his chest but he reached for my chin and lifted my face so that he can look at it.

Then suddenly, Jimin paints a ray of sunshine all over his face. A nostalgia of spring suddenly embosomed my mind, wiping out the cold dark winter in me.

"Don't bother it for now doll. We're not in a rush, Let's take our time to know each other more..."
Jimin touched my cheek, gently grazing his thumb on my lips. I silently shivered as Jimin eyes reflected the same reaction on mine, it was an equal serenity amidst of the crazy loud world.

I scooted closer and nuzzled his hand on my cheek.

He's right. It's better to take everything slow. There's no need to rush. If we were meant to be, then it's gonna happen. It's better to wait for the right time, until we are both ready to commit.

"You shouldn't rush something you want to last forever, Lisa."

Jimin. He didn't said the three words that I've been dying to hear but he chose the right words and made my heart bursts.


What are you doing to me? It shouldn't be this way, My heart isn't still ready to get hurt again. But you wouldn't do that right? You won't hurt me... Right?

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