Day 15 - 2L

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The party started with Hoseok going to the pool, he turned on the loud booming music which disturbed those who's resting in their own guest room

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The party started with Hoseok going to the pool, he turned on the loud booming music which disturbed those who's resting in their own guest room. Jungkook followed it with two cases of beers in his both hands. That's when one by one went out to their rooms to go to the pool area with grins and smirks on their faces.

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's get drunk and wasted!!!"
Hoseok screamed when he scanned that everybody in the pool area was now complete.

Joy screamed back, trying to hype up everyone. And that's basically it! With Yoongi being the first one to grab a beer followed by Jimin who has a lazy smirk on his face.

Not knowing that the first one to get drunk will be Kim Taehyung.

Soon enough all that they were hearing is Seokjin's windshield whipper laugh, Hoseok's boisterous laughters and Jennie's wicked plan inside her mind.

"Guys? Let's try to play a game."
She suggested.

"Don't tell me babe, it's the common game called 'the truth or dare'?"
Yoongi frowned at his girl but Jennie only gave them an excited gummy smile.

"Yey! Count me out!"
It was Joy who's the first one to be against the idea. She's not stupid, Jisoo's younger sister just wanted to squeeze some juicy details about their love life.

Knowing Jennie? She's like her sister. They get what they want.

"Oh! Come on guys! This would be fun!"
She pouted and flip her feet at the pool water since, she and lisa are seating at the edge of the pool.

"Nope! Not at all, that would hit sensitive topics and it will just turned out a whole hot mess."
Joy explained and others agree with her by nodding their head, including the girl beside Jennie which is Lisa.

However, one out of ten there's someone who also wanted to play the game or maybe the alcohol made him do it. He doesn't exactly know too.

"I'm in."
He said, putting the empty can of alcohol down.

All were surprised. Jisoo who's beside him is the first one to react.

"Why not? It's just a game. Nobody should take that seriously right?"
Taehyung shrugged and open another can of beer but Jisoo snatch it from his hands.

By that moment, Hoseok knows what he's going through so he complied.

"Yeah, come on guys! Don't be a pussy."
Hoseok affirmed with Jennie and Taehyung. He may not have the slightest idea of where this leads but there's nothing wrong to try right? Besides, they were all friends here.

No secrets, the better.

"Bastard. You just want to kiss girls."
Yoongi throw a chips at him but Hoseok was quick to dodge.

"Ew. Not gonna happen. No one should dare that, we are all friends."
He cringed, as he rub his both arms like he was really disgusted by the idea of it.

Jennie's smile went bigger when her friends became silent, and silent means yes right? Well, for her.

She stood up from her seat and pulled Lisa with her. Jennie took the empty wine bottle on Jungkook's hands then she gathered everyone in a circle.

"Now? Shall we start?"
She grinned and everyone who's against about the idea earlier glance at each other.

Oh shit, they are dead meat.


The game started with Yoongi being the first one to dare. He needs to do the sailor moon poses and chant, it was the most embarrassing thing he did.

As usual Jimin took a video of him while laughing so hard. Yoongi wished he chokes. Even his girlfriend can't stop laughing and warned him that she will let the video out if ever he cheats behind her back. Yoongi rolled his eyes, as if he would.

The second one is Lisa and Jimin dared her to dance since he remember that she wants to join dance club too. He receives a hundred death glares from the girl but Jimin just laughed it all out, enjoying what he sees.

But she surprises them when she started moving her body. The music and her movements were in sync, making everyone jaw dropped. She smirk at the end and made a pose.

"That's unfair! Hers is not embarrassing."
Yoongi whined.

"But you also agreed that she should dance right?"
Jennie smacked the head of her boyfriend.

"Only because I thought she can't dance!"
He whined again and everyone laughed.

"Wow that's mean."
Lisa chuckled and went back seating beside Jungkook and Jimin.

"You should go and audition to our team, seems like our leader likes what he saw."
Jimin whispered and nudge Lisa to look at Hoseok's expression. Lisa laughed and slapped his arm when Jimin winked at her playfully.

"I want those bastards to dance too. So let's keep moving guys!"
Yoongi pointed at Jin and Namjoon, eager to take revenge on the embarrassing thing he did.

"I thought this game is not fun at all babe?"
Jennie teased and her boyfriend rolled his eyes again.

"It isn't. I just want my self-esteem back."
Then Yoongi spun the bottle because he can't wait on Lisa anymore since she is busy talking to Jimin.

The game started with laughters until it went serious because they get tired of doing 'dares' and chose 'truth' instead.

The first one to choose truth is Mina, followed by Jin, and so on. Until the dreaded moment came.

"So, Taehyung... What is your current biggest secret?"
All eyes went to him and Hoseok starts to panicked. Jennie what are you doing? He's horrified for his friend. This is the thing they should avoid when it comes to playing 'truth or dare'.

However, no one still knows about what Taehyung feels for Lisa, aside from him, Namjoon, and Jisoo. But Jennie wanted to confirm her instincts.

'Lie, Taehyung. Lie.' That was Hoseok, he is repeating those words inside his head, like he is able to talk to Taehyung telepathically.

All became curious when he isn't answering anything for almost two minutes now.

Taehyung lifted his eyes and it stays at Lisa who is also looking at him. His mind is fighting upon the words that he will spill to his friends.

What should he say? Should he say he likes her? No, that's very insensitive.
He had no choice.

"I kissed Lisa."

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