Day 22 - 1L

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Lisa sticked out her tongue as she tried to focus on the color combination of each edges of the simple painting she's making now

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Lisa sticked out her tongue as she tried to focus on the color combination of each edges of the simple painting she's making now. Mr. Kwon is at the front with his two feet on his table while waiting for a student to come at him to show their work.

She gave a quick glance to his professor while contemplating inside of her head if he will like it or not because it was too simple than she expected it would be.

She drew a face last Friday but she didn't want to cause any ruckus so she settled on a simple painting with the certain inspiring image inside her head just earlier.

Lisa was startled when she saw Jennie with a furrowed brows step closer to take a good look on her art painting.

The latter is just beside her so it is no surprise that she will peeked on her work.

"W-why? Is it bad?"
Lisa stopped from what she's doing and also stared at her simple painting.

"Are you sure you want a good grade with that?"
Jennie pointed at the now colored white canvas.

"But Mr. Kwon said to find inspiration—"
Her dumpling looking friend butted in as she crossed her arms on her chest and her cat eyes squinted with so much amusement.

"Exactly, Lisa. He said 'find inspiration' not to 'paint your inspiration'."
Jennie can't hold her giggle anymore as she shook her head with Lisa's cluelessness.

"Oh goodness Lalisa Manoban. You have been fucked."

"Wh-what are you trying to say?"
She gulped when her tongue twisted with her words and Jennie had this playful smirk while still staring at Lisa's art work.

"You're in-love are you?"
Her friend's smile grew wider and there's a hint of teasing on her cat eyes.

She blinked at her.

"Don't play dumb at me, Lili."
Jennie turned her gaze away and focus on her work which Lisa is shocked to see those beautiful sunflowers on her canvas.

"Don't worry my friend, denial is part of that thing."

"That thing?"

"Oh you know 'love'."

Lalisa stared at her art piece and Jennie's last word stuck in her mind. She doesn't lack of knowledge with that but hearing it on somebody else felt even more real.

She bit her lower lip as she tried to hide the smile causes by her heart pounding.

"Y'know I like his pink hair too."
Jennie winked and Lisa couldn't hold any longer she also smiled back at her friend.


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