Chapter 2

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Everyone has been bullied once in their entire life. If not bullied then picked on.

During the time of the last chapter, I said my mother barely paid attention to me. Because I was in school she signed me up for something called aftercare.

It's where if parents aren't able to pick their kids up after school then they would go to aftercare. You stopped going when you got in middle school. I went to aftercare for 2 years. The only time I can remember going is in 2nd grade.

I had a few friends in 2nd grade. Their names were Amber, Stella, and Mark I believe. I can't remember his name anymore, but I remember the other two girls in the group. We 4 would sit on the swings and tell ghost stories and pretend we were ghost hunters. It was fun. I smiled a lot with them and felt happy. They made me happy. I was glad to have them.

After school was a different story.

They all would go home. I went to aftercare because my mom was in college. Trey went to aftercare to but since he was a grade above me he was with a different group than me.

Aftercare took care of kids. They gave them snacks, let them play outside. Taught them small lessons, let us do our homework in a classroom. I hated aftercare. I remember that my childhood was grey. Kind of what a rainy day looked like. the grey clouds covered the sky, but no rain came.

They made us sit at certain spots in aftercare. I sat beside these three girls. They were rude and mean to me. Bullied and picked on me.

I never told anyone that they picked and bullied me. I thought no one would care. I felt like no one would care and leave me to be even more lonely. I had no friends in aftercare.

I could tell they were popular because they acted snobbily and wore makeup when they were like in the 2nd grade. Their faces would be caked with makeup. I don't remember their names now, but I do remember their appearances.

The First: The was short with almost white hair. She had blue/or green eyes. She always had her hair tied up in a ponytail. Her hair was very long and her skin was pale. The leader

The Second: She was tall. Brown hair that would be worn either down or in a ponytail. Blue/ or green eyes. The would kind of be like the less intelligent of the group. And she would just go with anything the leader said.

The Third: She hated me the most. She was medium height with brown eyes and had Rachel's haircut from ' Friends '. She had freckles dusting her nose and cheeks. Always glared at me.

I was always scared of them. I had to sit beside them every day. They were mean to me so I tried to mind my own business. At the same time, I wanted to be friends with them. I don't know why. I guess it was because I was just really lonely.

I remember one day:

I was walking behind them trying to get their attention. The 3rd mean girl wasn't there that day.

I asked them if I could walk with them and be their friends. They said no. I asked again and said please this time.

They said fine but only for 20 seconds.

They continued to walk and talk. The bleach blonde girl was counting down and it was stupid, but so was I.

Eventually, we both stopped counting. I stopped following them. I sat on the swing and swung myself. I felt like crying, but I didn't. I knew I had to be strong. I decided to avoid them the best I could.

I think it's stupid now. To think I begged those girls to be my friends. It was stupid. I know that now.

They used me to get their other friend mad. I hated it. There were those girls and another girl who they also didn't like.

She was crazy to me. She would lie to me and make up crazy stupid stories. I tried to steer clear from her as well. Besides them, there was this group of boys, but I didn't want to hang out with them.

So I was by myself at home and now at aftercare.


I never really thought about dating. I only worried about my studies. I knew I was in second grade. I knew I didn't need to date. I was too young. I told myself to wait until high school.

That didn't stop him though.

I was walking through the tall jungle gym. It was like a castle. Had walls slides and stuff like that. It was also kind of tall.

I was minding my own business when a guy named Ian walked up under where I was.

   " Hello. " I said.

He said hello back, but then he changed the topic quickly. He asked me...

   " Hey, do you want to be my girlfriend? "

I asked him why? He said because he wanted one. That wasn't a good enough reason and I knew I was too young. So I said no.

He wouldn't let me leave the jungle gym until I said yes. I heard a whistle being blown and thought it was time to go in. And I don't know about you, but I didn't want to know what would happen if I got off the jungle gym and ran, but I just stayed up there.

Eventually, I asked...

   " If I say yes then will you leave me alone? "

   " Yes. "

   " Fine then. "

He walked back to the group of boys and cheered. I realized that the whistle for another group to go inside. Not mine. I realized that I made a bad mistake. I felt stupid and defenseless. I did not know what to do. I felt like he pushed me into a corner and I couldn't leave.

I always wonder what would have happened if I ran away from him. Tried at least. I ran to every entrance I went to and blocked it.

He broke up with me a few minutes later. I asked why and he said.

" Cause I know you don't want to date me. "

' Then why wouldn't you listen to me when I said no 1,000 times? '

I figured it out or at least made a theory. He only wanted to date me so he could impress that group of boys.

I never liked him after that. I can never look him in the eyes.

I never found out what happened to that group of girls either. I know one of them the third girl is still in the school. I saw her walking down the high school hallways yesterday. The memories came back to me, but I kept the smile on my face. I looked forward to my group of friends. I don't want anything to do with her or that guy ever again.

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