Chapter 49

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I've written a lot of depressing stuff lately so I'm going to write some positive stuff and maybe some concerning stuff. Cause I can. 

So since it's December I have Christmas gifts to hand out. I have too many so I randomly pick a gift and give it to that person the next day. So far the people who got their gifts are

- Petra
- Mary
- Wheezey
- Richard 

That's all who have gotten theirs so far. They are in order so Richard was the last to get his. I'm excited to give the rest of them out. I've also bee away from social media. Like I ge ton to message friends but I don't scroll through Instagram anymore, I only keep up with family on Facebook, and with Snapchat I just text Tay and Petra.

It's been good lately. I've just had a lot of stressful days because of tests but I just have 2 more weeks and I can go on Christmas break. 

At that time I have to give the rest of my gifts out.

So far the only thing bad that has happened is my back. We haven't figured it out yet but my back is in a lot of pain. It has been since Friday morning. It's hard to sit down and move. It took a lot of energy to even get out of my bed last night to get some water and medicine. 

Something good and bad about that is I have to work tonight. I'm helping with an event in my town. I help people get on and off the trollies. I'm bringing hot chocolate tonight if I can get any. So, If your my friend in reality and your reading this. You should come and say ' hi ' and bring my and Wheezey hot chocolate. 

It's going to be cold. 

Hopefully, my back won't hurt as bad tonight as it did yesterday night. Lately, everything has been stressful, but that's been taken care of, but happy. Nothing's been up with my friends and me so there's no drama. The whole Olivia situation has been taken care of, but she still bothers Rain, Petra, and I. I've been good. I just hope everyone likes their Christmas gifts. 

I've also been addicted to listening to TXT, BTS, NCT127, and NCT Dream too much. Only Rain will understand this part so if you wanna skip go ahead. But I've been addicted to listening to them a lot lately.

Family is fine except for my brother and my father. They are both on thin ice at the moment. Trey was home for Thanksgiving week. During that week he was caught drinking out of my dad's wine bottle. My dad as I have said before is drinking wine for his health ( heart ) because the doctor has told him to. Trey drank his wine and it was probably a glass and a half that he drank. It was enough to get him tipsy. He is a light drinker because he never drank alcohol or wine or anything like that. Let's just say there was a lot of arguing and yelling.

Then, when Trey went back he got in trouble again. Irresponsibility is why.  My dad has called and called and called him but he won't pick up because he can never keep his phone charged and neither of them will apologize to get the feud over with.

Like always my dad comes to me asking for advice on what to do. Because I've lived with Trey for 17 full years I've learned what to do and what not to do etc...

My father, on the other hand, has not lived with us for a full 17 years. He comes on weekends and stuff like that, but he hasn't lived with Trey for 24 hours every day for 17 years. So, he doesn't know what to do with Trey in certain situations. So he comes to me. 

I give him advice and tell him what he should do. He usually listens and everything is fine. This time I told him to just let Trey cool down. My father has cooled down but Trey hasn't yet.

   " Papa listen. Right now Trey is like a boiling pot of water. You've turned the heat on the stove off and stopped arguing with the pot. Now let him go through a cooling period. When he's completely cool it'll all be fine. "

He agreed with me on another piece of advice that I won't mention here because of the people reading it. Cause I've used this advice I've learned on my friends and seen that it worked. My theory was right. I'm not going to say it. I learned this from my own observations. I didn't read this theory from a book and I didn't hear it from anywhere I just made up this theory myself. It's proven right so far.

Anyways, he agreed with me on the advice and said he would do his best to fix their situation. 

The only calming thing I've found lately is reading my new Stephen King book and typing stories. While listening to music from the bands I mentioned above. I haven't really talked to my friends a lot lately outside of school. I guess I'm just enjoying life as it is. I'll try to talk to my friends more, but I just love feeling calm and not feel any major drama going on. It's relaxing. Since I have this period of calmness I am going to try and relieve the tension from my back and see if that helps relieve any back pain.

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