Chapter 13

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I was a sophomore. My high school life would be over soon. Or at least I would be through half of my high school life. Wow! Almost done and then off to college.

I could not believe it. I also couldn't believe the class I got.

1st block I had Mrs. Owel's 

I had only heard her class is Hell. So I was scared for it. I couldn't wait for a challenge.

2nd block I had U.S. Government and Civics with Mr. Damien

I did not like this teacher. I had him Freshman year for another class and he didn't teach us. I don't know about you guys but I want a class where I can learn. I like learning. I was upset by this.

3rd block I had Geometry with Mr. Law.

I had him all year because I'm with his 3rd block. I was fine with this honestly.

4th block was Applied Environmental Science with Mr. Smith

In this class, we didn't do anything so I thought of it as study time or something like this.

5th block was Visual Arts with Mrs. Denyl

I was excited about this class. I didn't draw that often, but I liked it when I did.

So altogether I had some good classes.

In my first block, I had three friends in there. Wheezet, Tay, and Belle. I sat by them and we took that class together and always talked about our lives. By the way, Tay's grandmother makes the best food. She brought some food sometimes and she would share with us and it was really good.

Eventually, the class went by and I wasn't doing too hot. The class was hard. Mrs. Owel pushes you to your limit and then says there is no limit and keeps pushing you until you break or keep going.

She was known to break a few kids mentally. That scared me, but I will say she never broke me. She could tell too that I never cheated and looked up my answers at home. She knew I was trying my hardest. I liked her class though. It prepares you even when you don't know it.

In my second block, I had some friends. I had Luke and Elijah. Elijah would always share his snack with me which was good cause I never ate breakfast. Luke would let me watch him play games. Mainly Clash Royale or something like that.

In my 3rd block, I had some more friends. I had Petunia, Luke again, and Alexander. Our teacher would always move everyone and I never sat with my friends until I sat close to Petunia and sitting right beside Alexander. Now Alexander moved to my town in 8th grade but I never really talked with him before until then. We're good friends now and I'm happy about that. Alexander and I would always work together on homework. We did really good together. We would help Luke out with his. Petunia and we would talk and have a good time.

In my 4th block, I didn't have any friends until I made some. I made friends with Abby, a senior, and Zander, also a senior who was gay. I talked with them and had fun.

In my 4th I didn't really have friends and it was full of Freshman, but I made some friends. Ana, Jalyn, and Jessica. We would draw together and chat. When someone was upset we cheered them up.

My year was going pretty well. Another thing was that most of my friends were in band. Like, 




So I would go to the band room every morning and see them. Then later on in the year my friend Wheezey, you all know her, one of my besties, started coming with me to the band room. I never knew why until I found out why.

She had a crush.

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