Chapter 34

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I finally did it.

I left the chat group that my friends had.

The chat contained:

Mary    Alexander     Petunia      Bobby     Max     Richard    Me

I left so take me out of that list. I left. I don't know if they noticed or not yet, they probably haven't. Richard and I texted and I said I left and I guess he thought that I left the conversation and not the chat entirely. I see where you can think that. We all joke about leaving and I actually did it. 

Or maybe he doesn't care. I dunno that's him, not me.

The main point is I left. 

I felt and knew I didn't belong in that chat group. They always talk about video games and characters and stuff like that. I am an uncultured swine so I don't know what they were talking about. I dunno why I was in that chat, to begin with. I guess to help plan game tournaments that we haven't done in a while. 

I know I didn't belong there so I took up the courage and left. I was becoming distant to the chat group anyway so it's probably for the best that I left. They won't notice I'm gone. I never had enough video game knowledge to say anything in the chat so they won't realize I'm gone until they do one of three things.

1. They will accidental/intentionally click the chat name and see my name isn't there.

2. Someone ( Probably Alexander or Mary ) will ask me if I saw the post they sent to the chat. I'll tell them the truth.

3. They read this and check.

Let's see how long it takes them. 

I do have some video game knowledge but not the kind they had.

I'm not a very interesting person so it's definitely for the best. I'm just being dramatic as always. But, I know it was my right to leave or not. I thought I didn't need to be there so I left. Really the only reason I didn't leave before was that I knew it would hurt some people in the chat. I didn't want to hurt them. 

I just didn't belong there. So I left. I didn't belong there and I knew that. 

I'm actually considering leaving the other chat I have. I don't really have anything to contribute to it. But I'm having the same thoughts that I would hurt some people because I leave. Also, I feel like a certain someone would add me back to the chat afterward. I feel like they are going to add me back after he reads this.

I'm not leaving it just yet though. Not yet. 

For now, I did leave the other chat.

Let's talk about something else now. Let's talk uncultured I am.


I grew up reading books. I grew up a happy child until 5 years old. If you read the book you know why. Then when I got to 5th-grade my ex-boyfriend started getting me really into books.

That's what I grew up on. That's what I am still growing up on. I didn't grow up on anything else, but the playstation2 and no one talks and or sells games anymore for that console. I spent most of my time with books or homework. I was a smart kid and now that's going away on it's own. Honestly, that's the only thing I could depend on. Books. It's the only thing I feel like I can still depend on. Books never left me and my feelings for books in general stayed. They saved me from depression as a child by taking me away to Hogwarts, or to the Baudelaire mansion with Violet, Claus, and sunny, or maybe even at camp half-blood. 

Books took my imagination to a lot of places. 

But maybe they're the reason I'm so dramatic. I read to much, but maybe I act like I do cause I want to be a part of the story and help the main character. Maybe even be the main character. Maybe. I dunno, but I could never turn my back on books no matter how depressing my life gets. They have helped me throughout life. So why stop now. 


So I don't know anything about games these days. I stick to books. I am a very uninteresting person. So if we ever meet prepared to be bored unless you are like me and a little weird in some ways. I have my quirks but I dunno if they are good or not. Maybe.

Who knows!?

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