Chapter 41

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So this will be an interesting story. Actually not really. I change my words. 

A long time ago I had a friend, let's call him ' Peyton ', we were friends at church. I talked to him a lot. He was one of my good friends. Then when we got to 6-7 grade we moved to a different classroom. His cousin moved to town and joined our class.

Then he moved away.

It made me sad. He and his cousin moved away. 

After he moved away I didn't really talk to anyone in the class. Most of the girls gossiped and the guys would join them. They all gossiped and I didn't really care for the gossip. My church is an hour and 20 minutes away from my house. So I didn't really know any gossip they were talking about. Cause I didn't know their school, people, and teachers. 

I know the county. I know where places are and everything, but I know nothing about their school or the people in their school. So when they gossiped I didn't care for it. I never really liked gossip.

They always talked and I never talked. Then when we got a new girl I talked with her, but she liked gossip as well. So we never really talked. She was kind of rude as well so I am kind of glad we stopped talking.

Then after when I got to 8th grade, we moved to a different building. I will say I did make a friend there. At the time she was a Junior at the high school. She is my best church friend. Her name was Jessica. People call her Jessie so I did and I called her Jess as well. We were really good friends. We still are today. Then I made another friend. His name was Garrett. He liked hunting, fishing, and was a person for trucks.

How I met them:

     I met her by passing out Christmas shoe boxes and I liked how knowledgeable she was. She was really really smart and we had a lot to talk about even though we were from different areas. Then when I moved to the new building we talked more and became really really close.

      During the beast feast ( A dinner with a lot of game meat. ) I was cleaning up. I helped clean everything up and then a woman stopped me and asked if Garrett was my brother. Garrett was close and heard what she said and we both told her we weren't related. After that, we started talking.

I talked to them during Sunday school and Garrett and I would throw a rubber football before class started. some of the guys in the Sunday school ( Older guys ) were impressed by how hard I threw the football. It was fun. I enjoyed Sunday school. 

Then, one day a new guy came to class. I recognized him instantly. It was Peyton. He didn't have glasses anymore, but I could still tell by his facial features that it was Peyton. After class, I tried to talk to Peyton. I called his name, but he never turned around. He didn't say hi to me.

He ignored me like he didn't know me.

I'm not gonna lie it hurt. 

When we made it to the main church building I saw his dad. His dad was good friends with my mom and dad so he was nice to me and my brother. I liked talking to him. He would always call me princess. He remembered me. he remembered my family and we talked a lot.

I just thought Peyton didn't recognize me because the last time we saw each other was when I had glasses ( With no contacts ) and braces. Whenever I tried talking to him he never responded. He didn't even look at me.

It hurt. So, I gave up trying to reach out to him. If he didn't want to talk to me then I was gonna leave it be.

He would come sometimes, but others he would just sit in class and talk with our teacher.

Then later once Jessie graduated and was in a University I felt alone again. I talked to her a lot. Garrett and I stopped talking and a new girl named Hannah started coming to church. We talk and became friends. One day we sat down and Peyton came that day to Sunday school and sat down beside me. Neither of us attempted to talk to each other and it was quiet the entire time. I knew he had forgotten about me and didn't want to attempt to reconnect.

So I left any attempt at trying. I talk to his dad though. I like talking to him. He still calls me princess even though I'm not little anymore.

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