Chapter 45

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I've never had a good relationship with my brother. If I did it never lasted long. Maybe a day or two. We never had a good brother and sister relationship. I liked stuff he hated and I had an opinion that wasn't his own. We agreed on some stuff, but his opinion was the only that mattered in the house. We didn't have a good relationship.

So, not to long ago he graduated from HIgh school. I was proud of him. A lot of people were. Then, he went off to college in a different state. So I wouldn't get to see him that much.


I am going to be completely honest. I was excited for him to leave.

For a couple of reasons,

1. It would be quiet
2. The house would be clean and stay clean
3. I could read and listen to stuff that I like without him getting on to me because he hates it
4. I could eat what I want every night
5. The arguing between him and my parents would stop

I was ready for this day. We never had a good relationship and when I went through what I went through I only saw him as someone who doesn't care about me. Etc...

So, I was ready.


I gave him a jar of his favorite cookies that I make and I snuck it into his suitcase. He thanked me for it later and that was it. We didn't talk. All the points that I stated up above came true. I was able to listen and watch what I want and not have him yell at me for it. It's quiet. 

It's very nice honestly. I never thought the day would come when the house would be quiet and peaceful. It's like a weight lifted off my shoulders and was replaced by another weight ( Which I may or may not discuss later. It depends. ). 

Then, a couple of weeks later we have our class electing officers. I decided to go for the President's position because I wanted to do fundraisers and blah blah blah.

I wrote a speech and told Trey that I was running because his senior year he ran and he did great as a president. He will always be remembered at this high school. So I wanted his help. I didn't think he would message me back, but he did.

He told me what I needed to fix and what I needed to add. I followed his orders and changed some stuff and added stuff in and the speech turned out pretty good.

I would send the new speech to him and he would tell me his thoughts about it. He called me and we would talk a little and we text a lot. I would help him with his book that he is writing on our family history. 

We are actually having a good relationship. I have never seen our relationship last this long. We haven't argued at all we have talked and texted. I've never seen our relationship last this long. By this long I mean a week and a half.

When I told my Nana she said it's because he misses me and I told her that it took this long. He has been a good brother and our relationship has improved a lot since he is in college. 

I'm really happy about our growing relationship. He's been a good brother to me and like I said I'm happy because we are actually growing a relationship. 

I've been really happy lately. I've got a good relationship with my brother. My mother and I are having a peaceful time and we are having fun around the house. I can have friends over without my brother judging them and putting me down about how they look etc... I feel like I am a bit freer. I feel like I have good relationships with my friends. I feel happy. I haven't felt sad lately and I've stopped thinking too much into stuff cause I know if I do it won't lead to anything good. So, I have been really happy lately. 

That's probably why I haven't posted much in this book. It's because my life is better and I'm happy. My life is also boring.  Honestly, it is and I haven't had anything emotional happen. I've just been really happy. 

I'm glad everything is getting better and I don't feel sad or alone anymore. Mary, Rain, Wheezey, and all my other friends have encouraged me to tell them when something happens and we can talk about it and honestly, it helped a little and now I don't feel alone anymore.

Use to I felt alone because I thought I was the only one who would understand what I was going through. I thought no one would be able to help me because they wouldn't understand the fear and depressive state I was in. 

Now, I feel happy and ecstatic. I love my brother I really do, but when he left I could feel a weight lift off of my shoulders and I felt really happy about that. 

I am really happy with everything that's been going on so far my relationships with my friends are good and my family relationships are good. My father is still very over-protective and I know that's one of the things I am going to have to talk to him about because in 2020 I will be an adult. 

That's something to work on, but I know it'll be fine. 

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