Chapter 47

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So, I need to get some steam off of my chest. Yes, I probably said that wrong, but that is the least of my concerns.  

I take a spanish class. It's fun. I like it a lot. When I had Ms. Stacy she didn't really teach us the material we needed for spanish 2 so we relearned it all. Noe Rain and Olivia were in there with me. Now we take spanish 2 together.

This story is about Olivia.

Ever since the start of the school year she has been acting childish. She always talks about her boyfriend and how she dresses, but that's not what makes me mad. 

What makes me mad is how she acts and says things.

She is very skinny and has a lot of muscle on her. She is very strong and could be on the football team if she wanted to. So a lot of people are scared of her. I had never had a problem until this class. She always claimed that she was blind in one of her eyes. 

Now, I don't know if it is true or not. I never really judged her becuase I don't have the right to do so. She aways came in and said she had a headache and that she was injured somewhere. Again I didn't judge her about it. Rain and another friend of ours, Petra would always tell me she was lying. I didn't care. I didn't listen because again, I had no right to judge or tell her anything about her life. So, I didn't. I would just say I'm sorry and tell her how to help that injury get better.

Back to the story.

Our teacher Mrs. M would always tell her to move closer to the board so she could see, but she never moved closer. She would always complain about it but I didn't really care. I just wanted to focus on my studies.

Then, one day she asks,

   " Hey, Laura could I borrow your notes instead of trying to see the board? I can't see anything at all. "

I felt really uneasy about it, but being the person I am I said sure. I would always give her my notes when the lesson was done. But I noticed something.

She didn't care about it at all. 

Usually I understand students have other things to do but she wouldn't study them at all. Everyday when we had bellwork or an assignment she would tell me that she needed help on it. I would help her, but she wouldn't listen when I tried telling her how to do something or when I explained something. After three times of it she started asking for answers. 

I made it clear I wasn't going to give her the answers. I'm not the type of person to do that. I'll help you and lead you to the answer and explain it, but I won't just hand you the answers and be done. After that when she wanted help on the work I would always use the excuse,

   " I have to understand it to help you, Olivia. "

   " Let me finish first and I'll try and help you. "

   " I can't help you. I really need to get this done. "

I only said the last one when I had to be quick because I had to go to my next class. She would ask Rain and Petra for help and Petra would help her sometimes but Rain does not like her so she ignored her. She helped sometimes but most of the time she left Olivia alone. 

Eventually, I started getting fed up with it. 

I would let her borrow my notes, but it started taking a toll on me. Mrs. M would say something and Olivia would have my paper and I couldn't write it down. She always asked for help and when I tried explaining it to her she would throw her hands up and say she quits. 

She always did that. She would quit so quickly. Like, before she even got to the second problem she would say she quites or she wants to go shoot herself.

I tried to keep my patience with her and help her, but she wouldn't listen and stop her childish tantrums. Sometimes when Rain, Petra, and I would be talking about our bodies, because we are all self-consious, she would include herself and call herself fat. I always told her she wasn't but then she would lift her shirt or make herself look fat which made me mad. I felt body shamed for a while, Rain is always self-concious about her body, and Petra was mad about it.

Olivia one time told me Petra was bullying her and that was affecting her grades. I of course stood up for Petra and told Olivia that Petra wouldn't do that. I told Petra the next day and she told Olivias mother. 

This is where it comes to present time. 

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