Chapter 26

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So let's talk about school. Just for a minute. Or an hour, I'm good with which ever.

Now I know most people don't like school, but I do. It gives me a chance to learn and grow in my abilities. It takes me away from my lonely self at home. At home I'm just by myself. I have to much energy to take a nap and my mom and brother always take a nap when they get home.

So I'm basically by myself.

Wow that sounds really lonely!

The only thing I don't like is the people in the school.

Now there are some that I'm fine with, for example my friends. I'm fine with with them I like them. The ones I'm talking about is the students who make everything seem like the end of the world, ones who cause drama, and ones who like to cause trouble and make fun of people.

I remember at one point there was this group who made and Instagram page about special ed kids and it made fun of them. I heard that one of them worked at a food shop in town. After learning this I never wanted to go to the shop again. I still don't go there unless my parents need to make a quick stop to get something. Even then I don't want to go inside.

That's just anther level of cruel things to do. Why would you pick on someone let alone a special ed kid?

Why do you pick on people in that way in general.

Now, I know it can be confusing to some of you so let's have a little interruption.


When you are friends with someone and you make fun of them in a joking matter, that's fine. I'm talking about a matter where these kids aren't friends and they made a page making fun of their disabilities and how they are special ed.


For those of you who don't know what a special ed kid is then I'll explain.

It's a student who has exceptional needs. Such as students with learning disabilities or mental challenges.


So getting back on track. These people were cyber bullying them. If you have read everything to this point then you know how I feel about bullies. I loath them.

So now here comes another example of it in 2019.

We had the cake walk not to long ago. It was fun! I won two cupcakes and watched my friends play on their 3DS playing Mario Kart.

I had fun.

A senior won the Mrs. Cakewalk and a junior special ed kid won Mr. Cakewalk.

Everyone I was sitting with ( Including myself ) were really happy to see him getting Mr. Cakewalk. Everyone even shouted his name. He came over to us later wearing the crown and we said congratulations.

That's not the bad part. It's coming.

So Trey had to go on a college trip that day so he didn't go to the cakewalk. He came home later and asked how it went. I said it went fine. I told him who won king and queen.

He started laughing.

" Why are you laughing? "

" Because that's what the seniors all planned. "

" What did they plan? "

" They planned to get Katrina as queen and get some loser to be king. "

I got a little mad.

" They all planned it? "

" Yeah. I heard some of the seniors talking about it. "

Great. The senior class president is here doing what those guys did last year. Making fun of special ed kids.

He didn't deserve to be made fun of. I'm glad he was happy that he got the king's crown but because it was a game to all the other seniors, that's what makes me a little mad.

Later my dad ( He came in that weekend ) what was wrong. I told him. Then he said,

" Well, Y/n no one likes that Katrina girl. They wanted to embarrass her. especially since she's been on your brother's butt about everything in the senior class. "

" Well, dad that's stupid to vote for someone like that. They treated him like a pawn in a game of chess! It isn't fair to him or anyone else. "

" Well, he was happy that he won and that's fine-"

" But the reason is stupid. And the fact that Trey is the class president and didn't make them stop sounds worse! I'm glad he got the Mr. Cakewalk, but they basically made fun of him for their own use. "

" Well Laura they wanted to make fun of her by making a loser the king. "

" You're only making it worse. "

" How!? " He said laughing.

" You just used their phrasing ' loser '. Dad you are just as bad as them. "

Again I am glad he won, but I hate how they used him like that. Hate how he was a pawn in their stupid game.

No one should be treated like a pawn. Especially in this cruel game of life. It's cruel enough, why are people trying to make it worse?

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