Chapter 40

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I could have died.

I could have.


I was at home alone. My brother and mother were gone today and we don't have any food at home.


We had gotten home from vacation at my cousin's house.

So we had no food in the fridge. My mom went to the store but all she brought back was cheese, crackers, and popcorn.

I'm not joking. That's all she bought.


So all I had was pasta because I asked her to buy pasta for me to eat. I had eaten it two days in a row and started running out of cheese. 

So today I tried cooking something. 

Now, I wanted to take this day and relax. No studying ACT pressure from my dad. No annoying comments from my brother. My mother out having fun.

I wanted to relax.

So I got a pan and started cooking plain rice. Just plain white rice. When I was finished I thought I turned the stove off. I hate a little bit of it, but lost my appetite very quickly.

Then I went through the whole day in my room, right beside the kitchen' typing stories on my laptop. I had a lot of creative flow today. Even though I woke up with a stuffed up nose.

Everything was peaceful. I didn't have any friend problems to worry about. It was just me, my computer, and me cleaning.

I like cleaning. It's like a stress releaver. I also get some tendencies to clean randomly.

So I waited for my mom and my brother to get home. It took a long while.

But, it was so peaceful and relaxing. I can't complain.

So, when my mother and brother got home I opened the door and they came inside. Trey immediatly said,

   " I smell gas. "

I thought he was being stupid and trying to annoy me cause he said it before and it turned out to be some stupid joke.

So, I didn't pay much attention to it. Then I walked outside and walked inside with my mom. Trey then yelled again,

   " Mom I smell gas. "

   " I smell gas too. "

   " The stove burner is on. "

   " What!? "

I walked with my mother into the kitchen. I saw Trey turn the gas nozzle around. There was no fire but it was on. Then, my brother lit a match in the open air. While the windows were shut and Carbon Monoxide was still in the air.

He could have blown up the house. But My mom and I yelled at him and he blew the match out.

My mom looked at me and asked,

   " Laura! DId you not know the stove was on? Can't you smell the gas!? "

   " No. My nose is stopped up. I thought I turned it off. "

   " Well you didn't! You could have gotten Carbon Monoxide poisoning! Don't you know how dangerous that is! "

   " Yes, mama. I thought I turned the stove off. "

She shook her head and I continued to tell her that I was sorry. I really was. She looked at me one more time and said I could have died.

Trey the entire time was being dramatic and uncaring. The entire time he was yelling,

   " I could have died! "

   " You risked my life! "

I kept telling him,

   " You are one to talk. You lit a match! "

   " Trey I have been here all day. You just got here! "

   " You don't even care about my health? "

Then my dad called. Mom had told him over the phone what I did. Then he called me.

He didn't give me any trouble. He asked me a question and he let me answer. Then he gave me his opinion after.

   " Did you know you left it on? "

   " No, I thought I turned it off. I apparently didn't. "

   " Couldn't you smell the gas? "

   " No, my nose is stopped it has been all day. "

   " Do you know how dangerous that is? To leave a stove on with Carbon Monoxide poisoning in the air? "

   " I did, but I forgot I left it on. "

   " I can tell you are sorry about it and I know your mother has already given you enough trouble about it already. So I won't give you trouble. Okay? "

   " Okay. "

I told him about Trey lighting the match and he cursed a little bit. Trey called him and I don't know how that conversation went. I kept telling mom I'm sorry. I walked back to my room and ate the food she brought me. We actually opened up all the windows and turned the fans on as well.

I'm going to be honest.

I don't feel well.

I don't know how Carbon Monoxide poisoning feels like, but I know how I'm feeling isn't good. I guess.

I feel a pain in my chest. In my heart. Then it feels like it's stuffy in the room. I feel like my head is cloudy. Like it's very stuffed up. The sides of my head hurt in a small way, but my head feels stuffed. 

Now I know what a balloon feels like.

Then there's a tightness in my throat. My throat feels pained like the air is dry and thick. I keep drinking my coke, but it still feels dry and thick. Then my memory is foggy. I can't remember anything I did today. All I remember was doing laundry, typing stories, making rice, and that's all.

I don't know.

Maybe It's the gas in the air getting to me. I'm probably going to take a step outside after writing this. Maybe I just need to get some fresh air in my lungs.

Mom did say my room smelled like it was full of gas.

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