Chapter 19

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Then one day I was invited to this chat group.

It contained:






In the chat we would talk about hosting a smash tournament and stuff like that, but now a days it's just a regular chat.

I liked having the chat group. It made me feel comfortable. Through this chat group I had a lot of smiles and laughs.  I also made a new friend.


I know you guys think I knew him before when Wheezey liked him, but I really didn't. So when the chat started I didn't know what to say to him. But we are friends now and I'm excited about that. Richard and I keep the chat alive honestly. So in the mornings, I would go to see my friends and that then included Richard.

So I would say hi to him and make a small conversation, but that was all really. Nothing more nothing less. Later though it was different.

I don't know how to describe it but bear with me.

I saw him as a friend. I am sensitive to telling people my secrets, but for some reason, I feel comfortable telling him.

I remember when he found out I was a writer. he found out that I write stories. He would keep asking me for my account and I would always say no. Over and over again I would say no.

He asked why and I said that It was a secret that I only shared with 2 people. One was in college and Mary promised me they wouldn't tell. He always uses the same line.

  " If you break the vase over and over again why not break it one more time? "

That's the thing though. I think I told him this as well. 

I did break the vase 2 times, but I can learn to stop. I liked keeping my WattPad a secret. The only reason I started keeping it a secret was that I didn't want someone lying to me.

I felt like if I told my friends they would comment on my stories and say that it was good. I didn't want them lying to me. I wanted real criticism.

Funny thing though. I didn't expect so much love. That'll be discussed later.

Mainly what my point is, is that my Wattpad is my life line. If it was destroyed I don't know what I would do. I would be heartbroken. I would be even more shattered. So I never told him my account. I did get tempted though, but I remembered why I made that vow.

So he kept asking. I kept saying no.

Then at one point, he said he wanted to teach me how to play a xylophone. He wanted to teach me leapfrog. I didn't want to at first because I didn't want to trouble him. I knew how to play a saxophone, not a xylophone. 

Eventually, I let him teach me. So he was teaching me to play leapfrog. I am terrible at it. But I am improving. So then at one point, I stopped walking to the percussion section. I talked with Mary and Petunia. I just didn't go back. I didn't hate Richard or anything, I just....

I don't know. 

I don't know why I did it. 

Later a few days later he asked me if I hated him.

   " No, I don't hate you. Why would you think that? "

   " You never talk to me anymore and You never visit me in the percussion section. "

I couldn't really respond. I didn't know how. I told him I didn't hate him. I don't. I could never hate him. I started talking to him more and he started teaching me leapfrog again. It was nice and peaceful. 

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