Chapter 32

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I just had one of the best days of my life. This tops everything that's ever happened to me.

As you all might know. My birthday is April 3. I had never had a birthday party in my life, because it's always been with my family. So this was completely incredible.

Rain and Wheezey were wanting me to meet them at the park because we were going to hangout there. I thought it was normal and we would just be walking around and have a normal day. Not what happened.

I park beside the swings and play set. Wheezey walks up to me with her jacket and puts it over my eyes. I immediately try and take it off. I ask them whats going on and they didn't say anything. They covered my eyes and we started walking. Rain and Wheezey said some funny things to me as we walked.

" Got the horses in the back. " Rain whispered.

Wheezey kept saying it was a febreeze commercial. The texture under my feet kept changing and I thought I was going to fall, but I didn't. I kept saying things like,

" This is kidnapping. "

" I did not give consent. "

" Nature! "

" I don't want to hit a tree. "

" Rain stand in front of me so I don't hit a tree. "

" Help. "

I laughed a lot as they walked me somewhere. Then they told me to stop. They took the jacket off of me and I saw something heart warming. Nora, Hope, Richard, Alexander, Tay, and Isabella standing and yelling " Happy birthday " at me.

I was surprised and a little shook.

Nora came over and hugged me and Hope followed as well. I hugged them all. I'm telling you I was shaking badly. I at one point sat down on the ground and leaned against Nora's legs and tried to calm down. I was really happy and surprised it made me shake a lot.

I went back to my car with Rain and grabbed my jacket, cause it was cold, and we went back to the party. Richard handed me a birthday gift-even though I said not to get me anything and I opened the bag. It had two packs of gummy bears/worms and a pair of drumsticks with all my friend's signatures on it. Then Nora opened both the cake containers.

She bought two cakes. She put 17 on one and I blew it out. Then on the second, she put these candlesticks in the other cake. I tried blowing them out, but they kept relighting. I eventually couldn't blow on them anymore because everyone was making me laugh by saying to blow them out every time they re-lit. Eventually, they blew out and we all ate cake.

My dad drove by and said that he was happy I was happy and left. Then after we all ate we found a twister game and I played with Nora. I won, and then we found this equipment you use to work out I believe. It was fun.

Then we went back up to the place we were having the party at and played Marco Polo. It was fun. Hope had to leave and the Nora and Isabella had to leave. The rest of us went down to the playground and had fun down there.

Got on the swings and swung and threw tree nuts at each other. I got off and walked with Richard and Alexander to this carnival carriage. You could sit in the front and/or get inside. I sat with Richard at the top and Alexander sat his head between us.

We literally talked about waffles. I want a waffle now.

Then we got down. Alexander and I stayed together and talked a lot. We did this weird thing with our hands where I put my hands together and we would connect the tips of our fingers. Then he would overlap my hands and I would overlap his.

I don't know what we were doing.

Then we went to the swings and sat on them. I had to stop swinging though because I was still feeling nauseous. We both stopped and just sat there talking to one another. We talked about some pretty deep stuff.

Alexander's girlfriend broke up with him for some reason and he didn't believe the reason she gave him cause not long after she got another boyfriend. He said he was enjoying life being single. I told him that I wasn't. I said that I was looking for someone to be a boyfriend.

   " I just want to find the guy who will be there for me and comfort me when I need it. Cause I've always thought that if I had that in my life It would get better because I didn't get attention as a child and I was verbally abused. So I thought that if I got a boyfriend he would give me the attention I need and care for me. "

I told him everything about my childhood and my life. During this talk, Richard was leaving and he came over and we hugged.

I will state boys do have a strong grip. Cause he hugged me and he had a strong grip.

Then we continued talking until Tay had to leave. We said goodbye to her. Then I had to leave. Wheezey, Rain, and Alexander helped me bring stuff to my car. I hugged all three of them and we said goodbye. I drove home and sat outside with my dad cooking.

One of my friends had sent me a picture of me and Alexander sitting on the swings together talking.

I sent it to the new group chat that they created for my birthday. I sent it to the chat saying there you go Wheezey and Rain.

They fangirled behind me and Alexander as we hugged so I thought why not.

Then Richard started texting me saying he ships it. I kept telling him that it's never going to happen.

He won't believe me, but it's not going to happen. Alexander only thinks of me as a friend and that's how I feel about him. Friends. He is enjoying being single. He doesn't need a girl like me.

So it won't happen anytime soon or ever.

It was one of the best days of my life.

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