Chapter 25

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Okay boys I said it in the last chapter and I'm saying it now.

It's your turn.

So boys we have a lot to talk about. First of all,


It is statistically shown that guys cheat more than girls. Now I'm not saying all of you cheat, but most guys do in a relationship. I will say that girls do cheat as well, just not as bad as guys.

It is statistically shown and it's just what I hear.




You may think at the time that your girl/boyfriend won't find out, but trust me she/he will find out. They always find out. So don't think your slick or good enough to cheat. Trust me you're not, so don't even try.

How to Treat a Girl

Here is a question,

   " How do you treat girls? "

That is something big. Sometimes a girl wants a guy who can be sweet to her. Or have someone who is a sassy savage. I don't know I'm not a guy.

Most people I would hope treat her like a Queen or at least be yourself around her. That way the relationship isn't one sided. 

Another thing that I'm not going to put a title for because I am lazy is topping each other. 

What is it that makes guys want to top each other?

If you don't know what I'm talking about then I don't know what to say. I notice that some guys try to top the other. Try to be better if you will. Why?

Is it for,

A girl?


What is it? 


I'm going to get personal with you all for a hot minute.

If you hurt a girl/boy then I will find you and destroy you. Now if you do it right and they are just heart broken then I can understand. 

How you do it right: 

Be honest and tell them. Do it face to face not in a public area, because she might cry and raise her voice a little.


So, if its on those terms then it's okay. Be gentle with it too. 

Cause if you just say,

   " I like someone else. I just stopped liking you. Don't cry, but I have to go. Bye, see you in class. Have a good day. "

That's terrible.

   " I just don't see/like you like that anymore. I'm sorry. "

Say that instead. If you do it the other way you will sound like a jerk. She will resent you forever. You may want that and you may want to stay friends. If you want to remain friends then I highly suggest you say the first statement.

So good luck with that now a lot of ex-girlfriends/ex-boyfriends are going to mad at me, so I'm going to hide in my hole and hope they all don't find me. 

Good luck have fun, but not to much fun.

* Walks away.*

   " WAIT! "

* Runs back *

Forgot to mention something sorry. 

Some girls can be confusing. Their body language will say something and they really didn't mean it, and they'll get your hopes up one moment and then the next moment they will tear you down. 

So, be careful about that, because some girls will be mad about it and I don't know why, because I'm not one of those girls.

So just be careful on how to read them.

Okay that's all.

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