My Dad

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My dad is someone important to me.

Me left when I was 5, but he didn't leave me completely. He would visit me and my brother on weekends. He did his best to take care of us. My dad came from nothing.

His mother had a disease that made her forget who he was. His father died when my dad was 23. He died from smoking and things like that. He was hard on my dad.

He cares for me. I know he does. Otherwise why would he still provide for my mother, brother, and I? 

He's admitted that he hasn't been the greatest spouse or the greatest father. He's told me he is going to do better. He's been doing good so far.

I love my dad. That will never change. I'm very proud of him.

He was the first in the family to get a high school degree and to go to college and get a college degree. He was the first to leave his small town.

I am very proud of him.

I know he will do better. 

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