Chapter 42

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So, I am about to tell a story that happened a couple of weeks ago, but it feels like days ago. This situation happened on a Friday before school let us go for summer. Since it was the last day the high school principal decided to have a free day for most of the students. It's called an incentive I believe.

We basically went into the cafeteria/gym/tennis court and did whatever until a few minutes before the bell. Then we would go back to our 5th block and wait for the bell to ring. So I was walking into the cafeteria and I saw Rain and Wheezey. I stood with them and waited until we saw some more friends.

Rain was talking about how she is not skinny, even though she is, and how no one could pick her up. We proved her wrong about the last one. I saw Richard and said ' Hi ' and he asked me if I wanted to play Smash brothers with him. I said ' no ' because I am really really terrible at it.

Then Wheezey and Rain said that we were going to another table where more of our friends were. I said okay and I actually grabbed Richards wrist gently and tried to pull him with us, but he said no. He went to go sit with my other friends Mary, Alexander, Petunia, and everyone.

Here is where the actual drama begins.

When we walked to the table Ashley saw me. Ashley is someone who knows gossip. She wouldn't do anything to hurt me and I know she wouldn't spread rumors about me. Most people are like that to me. She stood up and asked if we could talk for a moment.  I said sure. We walked maybe two steps away from the table before we started talking.

   " What's up? "

These aren't her exact words, but it's most of what she said.

   " Don't shoot the messenger, Laura. But this morning I heard this guy and his best friend talking s*** about a story you wrote. They were taking screenshots this morning and saying they were going to sue you. "

   " Do you know why they said they were going to sue me? "

   " Because their names were in the story. That's just what I heard them saying this morning. That's what they were doing and they started talking badly about your story. They said they were going to talk about it to you. "

I can't remember if she said they were talking bad about me or not.

   " Okay, thank you, Ashley. They never told me anything. Like, they never came and talked about this issue with me.  "

   " I'm sorry Laura. "

   " It's not fine. Thank you for telling me Ashley. "

At this point, my heart hurt. It was beating really fast and I took breaths in and out and calmed myself down. I sat down with Wheezey and Rain and told them about this.


So, these two guys were in this story since chapter 8. One of them also has a WattPad account. I had been friends with them for a long while and I went to prom with one of them and danced with his best friend at the end of the prom.

We were good friends. We helped each other in class a lot and I gave him Christmas and birthday gifts etc..

So it really hurt to hear them talking this way about my story.

Especially when the one with the account ( Let's call him A for now and his best friend Z. ) who is A said he read it. I have had this book published for a while and his name was in chapter 8 and he now tells me he will sue me if I don't take his name out and I was on chapter 39 or 40 at the time.


Then I started talking to them about how I felt about the situation. I felt really mad and upset about it.

   " Why didn't he come and talk to me about it? "

The incentive was at the end of the day and Ashley said everything A and Z were doing was during 1st block. They have band first block and I always go into the band room and say hi to my friends there. They never walked up to me and said a word.

   " I had to hear it from Ashley and not from him himself. The worst thing is he promised me he wouldn't tell anyone and he told Z and he kind of told Ashley. "


I only told 6 people know me in real life and on this account I have.







They all promised me that they wouldn't tell. Except, Richard. He told me to trust him and he never promised me, but I trusted him and he hasn't told anyone. I told Mary, Jessie, and A because they were going to set up their own account. I told Wheezey and Rain because of this book.

I didn't want anyone else to know. Now Ashley and Z know.


The reason I want my account secret is that I want real criticism. I don't want everyone in my school saying for me to take this and take that out and lie to me about it being good when it isn't.

Also, my account feels like a safe haven. I feel like I won't be judged here. Because no one knows who FreeFlyer68 is.

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