Chapter 14

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Yes, she had a crush on someone I didn't know. I asked her later about it and she told me, Tay, and Belle. How she described him was quiet and shy, but cute. I asked about a name and she wouldn't give it to me. She said I wouldn't know who it was. I told her then what's the harm in telling me if I don't know who it is.

She told me his name. His name was...


Yeah. His name was Richard. I will tell you when she said his name I felt worried.

You see there was a kid in our grade with the same exact name. I'm not kidding. Same first name and last name. I didn't like the Richard that was in my grade. He was special Ed, but that's not why I didn't like him. He left my county 8th-grade year and went to another close county. He was kicked out of the school and county for trying to do things to girls and he was rude. 

So I didn't like it and she realized who I was thinking of and said that it was a different Richard.

I told her good. Cause I didn't want to deal with her dating the Richard in my grade. But she said this Richard was a Junior. I was curious and told her the next morning I want to meet him.

She was to shy to introduce us.

But, she did show me who he was and what he looked like. He was in the band and he played in the percussion section. He wears a plaid shirt jacket all the time and was tall.

I eventually encouraged her to tell him how she felt. 

She did.

And I guess he said he liked her back? I don't know honestly. During the time they were " dating " I was stressed with grades so I can't remember if they were technically dating. She would always tell me though about everything that happens. 


Wheezey now at this point has very short hair. So a lot of people judged her for it, so I'm glad she was finding a boyfriend. Wheezey was also in her words ' the man ' in the relationship. She always made the moves and stuff like that, but with Richard, she didn't want to make the moves.


Then one day she said that he was being rude to her. I can't remember what he did to her honestly. Or anything. I told her I can't really say anything about the matter cause I don't know him that I only knew her. I told her if she wants out she has to say so.

Eventually, she said she was done with it. 

She didn't like him anymore.

She was sad. But Tay and I tried our best to help her.

Then days later she told us she was going away for a while. When I heard that I thought for maybe a day or two then she told me about a note.

She had written a note about suicide. 

She was going to give it to the principal and hope they send her to a place to help her. A mental hospital. Once I heard that I was ready to cry. I was losing someone close to me. I was losing one of the people I stuck with through middle school, intermediate school and Freshman year. I was losing my best friend. She said I wanted you to be the first person to see it.

I had tears in my eyes.

I hugged her and told her that I know if she goes she'll get better but I'm going to miss her very much. The next day I gave her my address on a slip of paper so she would write me letters. 

The mental hospital she was going to wouldn't let you bring anything but clothes. No phones. So I gave her my address to write letters. The day I gave her my address was when I started piecing things together.

I went home and collapsed on my bed. Wheezey was depressed. 


Depression. Something that can't be helped unless the host wants help. Otherwise, if you try and help they will only see it as something hurting them instead of saving them. It's something hard to deal with. Most people say,

   " Why don't they tell someone so they can get help? "

It's harder than you think. You feel like everything is against you and you're in a corner. You feel alone and helpless. It takes so much courage and bravery to tell someone. Because you're afraid of what they will say. Afraid that they won't care. Afraid they will leave you.

It takes so much to even whisper what's going on.


So after the day was over Tay texted me asking about Wheezey. She asked what she was doing. She said Wheezey wasn't responding to her texts. I thought it was weird until I realized she turned her note in today. That they might have already taken her.

I texted Wheezey and never got a reply back. I texted another old friend of mine. Her name was Mira She was a really good friend. She liked things I never knew about till I joined WattPad and looked them up.

She went to a mental hospital as well. Just like Wheezey said she was going to. Mira told me and Tay not to worry and that Wheezey was getting help where she was. I asked her how long it would be until we saw Wheezey again.

She said it depends.

She said it depends on how much therapy the needs. How much she recovered each day. How she was doing. It all depended on her.

I thanked her for the information and realized that Wheezey has my address. She could write to me and send letters.

She never texted Tay or I.

She never sent letters.

She fell off the face of the Earth.

We missed her.

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