Chapter 24

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This chapter is for the girls. Sorry boys. Your chapter will come later. But girls this chapter is for you and like everything else in this story what I say in this chapter is true. So please read it and understand what I am writing ( Low-key typing this with my main finger which was cut really badly. )

So, ladies, this is a chapter mainly for you so listen up.






That is the message you get every day. You may not hear it directly, but you hear it in many different ways.

I saw this speech on Instagram and I'm going to write down some of it. I'm not going to say what's what, but I want you to understand this message.

You may not be pretty enough, but you are beautiful. You see being pretty is cool, but it doesn't last. The more you obsess over the body you have the more you will feel pain. One day the prettiness you cherish will one day fade. You won't have any filters to cover it up or make you look better because this is what happens naturally with age and that's okay.

So as you scroll down the Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat page comparing your self with her and her and her subconsciously driving yourself insane. I have a secret to tell you...

   " You're being played. "

You see the stress and anxiety you feel is exactly what these companies intend to do to your brain. 

Think about it.

Why do you suppose they call it an Insta gram. Yes, put a space between it. Because it gives you an instant gram. See every like is like a hit and the more you get the more it takes to keep the feeling rushing back. So you then double tap. Like a digital drug dealer, they constantly lower your self-esteem and then supply you with the fix you ' need '. Every day you scroll through stuff. They treat you like a pig. Why do you think they call it a feed!?

They laugh right in your face cause they know you can't stop them. That they have caught you in their trap and they won't let you leave. 


Do you know what that number is? Do you know what that number means?

That's the number of times an average person touches their phone a day. Millions of people think or ask,

   ' Did someone like my post. '

Open your eyes. This is all apart of their plan. They want you to feel not enough. Like you constantly feel like you have to prove your worth. From the movies, you watch to your radio dial. Then from the magazines in the grocery aisle. You know the ones with all the movie stars on them? 

Since they wouldn't make any money if you already loved who you are. You see, there isn't any profit in saying you're already perfect and beautiful. 

The truth is you don't need:

Perfect eyebrows

Perfect Legs

A thigh gap

Perfect hair

You are already so beautiful. You don't need a large number of people you don't know to confirm that. You don't need the latest detox program, teeth whitener, or flat abs.

Your worth isn't determined by the price tag on anything. What you have deep in yourself is truly a beauty that no one can describe. Not even words can describe it. It can only speak for itself.

For example: 

 When you smile you shine and brighten the darkest place. So it is your duty to keep smiling and make this world a better place. 




And that is something that no one could ever take. Whether you have or don't have blush on your face. So who cares about being pretty enough?

You are already so beautiful.


Girls, you are enough. I hope you realize this. Cause if you don't then I will repost this chapter until you can understand. You are beautiful no matter what anyone says. If people make fun of you for your looks...

...It's because they're jealous.

They're jealous you can walk around and be confident about how you look and not think about your insecurities. 

Because your insecurities are what makes you, you! Your flaws don't destroy you they kind of define you.

So don't be hard on yourself, don't body shame yourself, or find the solution to ' fix ' something you have. There's nothing to fix. You are perfect. 

God made you who you are for a reason! He made you in a perfect image of himself. 

   " Then why does everyone look different? "

Because everyone is different. We all are born into different families because God wants us to experience and learn from everything. In order to do that we all start with a different lesson learning down the way. 

We were created in Gods image.

Girls, there is nothing to change.




That's all that needs to be said. 

Here is a little experiment. 

I dare you to go one day without make-up. The day you don't wear make up it has to be a school or work day. Not a huge break or on the weekend. Cause if you did it on those days what would the point of this dare be?

Go one school/work day without make-up. 

If people ask why just tell them that you're testing something. Testing to see if anyone would ask about it or look at you in a weird way.

If they try to mock and make fun of you for it?

Just say,

   " At least I'm brave enough to show my real face. "


   " Thank you. "

And walk away.

Cause you are enough, and if anyone tells you different then smack them, or if they are your friend/boyfriend, leave them. Cause if they say that to you then why have them around? 

Friends are supposed to help you and encourage you and be there for you. Not bring you down to a level you will never reach. Because you are enough.

The same thing goes to your boyfriend. A boyfriend is supposed to like/love you. They are not meant to crush you or break you down to thinking you are not enough. 


Boys you're next.

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