Chapter 5

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Sadi was an interesting person. Nora was the person who introduced me to her. They seemed like close friends. We had all our classes together.

I forgot about her until she saw me in Mrs. Apple's class. I didn't know how she was at first so I came up with an excuse.

   " Hey! "

I pretended to know her. We sat beside each other in class. I found out her name from roll call. From there we started talking and hanging out. We became good friends. Through the year though she started changing.

We had this kid in our class named Robbie. He was a special ed kid. You know someone who needs special attention. He always argued and didn't listen. He would try and stick with the popular kids but they wouldn't let him.

She always argued with him when we were in our groups.

She always argued with him. Then in our English class, she would argue with our teacher. Always with the arguing.

Then one day we were at recess cause you know we were in 5th grade when we had a recess for the last time. Nora, Sadi, and I walked to the metal monkey bars. We had a certain distance on the playground and it stopped at the metal monkey bars. Cause the playground was beside the road.

Sadi jumped on the monkey bars and got in the middle she started swinging back and forth on the bars. Nora and I pushed her to make her go faster. I stopped pushing her and so did Nora. She swung back and forth and then she let go. She fell on her back. We ran to her side and helped her up.

Something was wrong with her ankle so we helped her to the nurse. The next day,

She was on crutches.

   ' She fell on her back not her leg? It couldn't have been that bad. '

That's what I thought.

Sometimes she would be late to class because she was not use to crutches. One day our English teacher had enough and they got into an argument. She told her to walk without her crutches. She was able to, and the teacher didn't think she needed them.

My English teacher was nice to me. She always bragged and complimented me and when I had a question she would be able to answer it and explain it.

Mrs. Apple changed seats and instead of sitting with Sadi I sat with a boy named Shawn in front of me. He had black hair and black glasses. He was cool. We talked sometimes and at the end of the year, he told me and his other friends he was moving to England.

I told him we would miss him here. Now I don't know where he is. I hope he's doing okay. He was a great friend.

That's how it was all year. 

At the time my mom was a teacher and she was a special ed teacher. And I met another girl named Lia. We talked and hung out a lot after school since her mother was a teacher too. I always called her Mrs. Diana. She was really nice. 

I always walked to her room and when I went there I made another friend named Elijah.

He was nice and weird to me. That's why I wanted him as my friend he was cool. I made a lot of friends during this time, but these people I am naming specifically were my main friends. The last friend I made was Zane. I knew him in 2nd grade. We would always run around the playground and he would chase me. I liked him at the time and he knew it. He would chase me around and say That I would become Mrs. Sims.

I would always laugh and blush, but after 2nd grade, he moved away. He came back in 5th grade and his mom was still a teacher so I hung out with him and Lia a lot.

Lia didn't like Elijah and she always would push me away from him, but I somehow still managed to make a friendship with him. 

As the days went by and the end of the school year came closer, I started growing away from everyone. My brother was in the middle school. He would walk to the intermediate and stay in my mom's room. He started figuring out where I went after school while waiting for mom.

He went to Mrs. Sims's room where I usually was when hanging out with Zane and Lia. He started hanging out with Zane and becoming friends with him which I didn't like. I thought that Trey would take my friends from me. So he hung out with Zane a lot. Whenever I was with them I barely talked with Zane.

I started talking and hanging out with his little brother Lenny. He was fun and we talked about games a lot. I later learned he had a crush on me, but he never told me. Zane's mom told me. So I stopped hanging out with him too. I was afraid to hurt his feelings. That was how my 5th-grade year went.

When we reached the end of the year though something happened. Something I will not forget.

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