Chapter 18

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I was laying on my cousins bed and she was laying beside me. We were playing music seeing if the other could guess what song was playing.

I played a song and then another song played on accident. I was subscribed to a guy named Joey Graceffa. Now he has an awesome channel and awesome songs.

One of his songs played and she said that she didn't like him. I asked why and she said it was because he was gay. 

I asked her if there was anything else and she said that was it. He was gay and she didn't like him because of that. 

I told her that being gay doesn't matter. She said it does because it's against our religion. I tried to explain to her what I told you all in the last chapter. 

That God won't pin them to hell for it. But she didn't listen. It's like she got rid of her ears and didn't want to hear my opinion.

I watch a lot of YouTubers who are gay. Like,


Shane Dawson


And I have a lot of friends who are gay. 

So when I heard my cousin say this I was heart broken. I realized I was the only that supported them in my family. 


I'm all by myself.

Yeah I had to do that. 

So from then on I would never step down If I was asked do I support them. I do.

So After Christmas and everything I realized my 2nd semester was coming closer. So with that coming closer so was my D and D night. 


D and D is Dungeons and Dragons. It's basically where you role play and act out a scene and stuff and it was fun. I had a fun time. We later played Smash bros. 

It's a fun game. I am not very good at it, but I am going to get better. Alexander and Mary are going to help me.


So the D and D was held at another one of my friend's house. Her name was Erica. Mary and two other friends and I were going to go to her house. When we got there we took a while to get everything set up and going. Mary and I didn't know what we were doing. Later on, when the game was almost over I heard Erica's front door open.


Erica has a brother named Bobby. He is a freshman.


Bobby walked in with Richard.

Yes, Richard the guy Wheezey liked a lot and got over.

I didn't know him very well so I didn't really say anything but hi at first. Bobby and him played smash while we finished up D and D. My mom came to get me later. She took me home and that was that. 

The following week I went back to school.

My new classes were:

1st Spanish

2nd Drivers Ed

3rd Geometry

4th Natural Resources

5th Physical Science

I was happy with all these classes except for Drivers Ed so I changed it to Landscaping. I'm a very agricultural woman.

So when I went to all of my classes I realized I didn't have any friends barely in any of them. In Spanish, I had Rain and Olivia.

Rain is one of my closest friends and a very big BTS fan.

Olivia is a junior.

I didn't have any friends in my 2nd block. 

3rd I had Alexander, Petunia, and Luke.

4th I had no one and the same goes for my 5th.

I didn't get to see my friends that often. So you know what I did.

I went to the band room every morning.

I liked going to the band room. Wheezey didn't go anymore but I had fun going. 

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