Chapter 33

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Okay so I asked a few of my friends the question and if you don't remember then here it is.

   ' Why would you miss me if I died?'

I got their responses and I'm going to show them to you. I'm going to show to you the first one to the last one who answered even though it wasn't a competition.


My life would defiantly be dulled and I'd be sad for a while. I like talking to you in the morning's but I haven't known you that long and we're not that close ( We don't hang out or anything) so I wouldn't say that I would get over it quickly but I would move on quicker than Mary or Petunia or Alexander. If you want to talk about it in person then I would probably sound a little less dickish. But that's a really rough draft and it would sound a lot better in person. And when I say quickly I'm saying in retrospect to the situation so not like a day or two but like at least a couple of months.

UES I would and I would cry so hard because if you died then that would mean I lost one of my closest friends and someone who has helped me throughout my life.

Bro, you make an impact on my life all the time! I love you, Laura!!

I wouldn't cry or miss my own mother but I would definitely cry and miss you.

But I was honest bro, that's how much I love you.

I would miss you because I love you.

You make me happy when I'm sad.

And you make my life better by making me happy.

I would miss you a lot.

A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very different answers from some very different people. I didn't ask all of them as you can see. I dunno why. I put them in order from who I asked the last person I asked. Whatever they said I didn't type or anything. I brought them from the text messages themselves. The only thing I did was edit the grammar a little bit and if they said my name I changed it to the fake name I'm going with. If you remember from the first ever page I wrote for this story ' Laura ' would replace my real name.

Let's talk about them now.

Let's start in order.

So Richard first.

Why would your life be dulled? Did I do something to make it brighter a little bit? I don't know. I don't know what I did to do that. Also I just ' Hello ' or ' Good Morning ' in the mornings. Nothing special. We don't talk that much in the mornings. I'll just watch you practice and sometimes you'll teach me. We don't really talk that much in the mornings.

Next up, Wheezey!!

Now I know you all are questioning the part where she said she wouldn't cry or miss her mom, but she would for me. For now, that's not my story to tell. That's hers and I'm not going to tell it. 

I feel more like a burden on peoples lives and not really someone who creates an impact. I feel like I cause more damage than good, so what impact did I make?

You can call me nice, but I'm just doing and saying what is right. You don't have to call me nice all the time Wheezey cause I'm not. I just do what is right and I guess that gives me that ' nice ' effect. So I guess that's why you call me nice B. Because I do the right thing and create that effect. Am I right B?

Now it's Rain's turn.

How do I make you happy? What? How? How do I make you happy? I mean you are my best friend besides Wheezey, but how do I make you happy and in what way? Why do you and Wheezey love me so much? I'm just a single person. A weird person who isn't abnormal or anything.

I picked these people out of random ( Except for Richard ). I picked these certain people because I was curious for their answer and I found some answers. 

The reason why I asked this question was that whenever I thought to cut myself I said there was something in my way or there was a thought on my mind stopping me. 

One thought that stopped me was what would my readers do without my finished stories. I knew they would miss me. At the same time, another thought came to me,

   ' Would anyone else miss me? '

At the time I just assumed no. No, they wouldn't. Cause they would get over me. Sure it would be hard, but eventually, they would have to get over me. That's life. We all die in the end. What's the point of having someone miss me? 

I still think that. What's the point?

Maybe it's to stop me from killing myself. Having people miss you. Maybe having someone miss you makes you stop trying to kill yourself. maybe that's what it is. The guilt of having to leave someone-you know would miss you-behind.

Maybe. What do I know? 

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