Chapter 17

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Weird for this book huh? It's supposed to be about my life and usually books telling a story for someones life is usually filled with action and stuff like that.


I'm honest.

I'm honestly telling you my life and what's happened in my life so far. Sometimes there are depressing, sad parts. Other times there will be some romance and action. Then at one point everything has to cool down.

Currently we have reached the climax. Now it's starting to cool down.

The 1st semester of my freshman year was over as quick as it could be. Wheezey was back and after telling  my parents my life started looking up.

We took EOC's at the end of the semester. 


EOC End Of Course exam. We take them at the end of our courses. English for exampled. I had English that semester and at the end I am taking a test for it.


I was very excited cause my teacher made a deal with us. Is we made higher than our grade in her class she would replace it.

When I found out my EOC I was happy.

As you all know I am over grateful. If I receive something, but even if it's one thing I'm still grateful even though it's only one thing.

I don't know if that's a good quality or not, but I'm going to say yes because it's apart of my overall being.

So my grade in English was 86. I was happy with that because everyone knows that it's hard to even pass the class so I was happy I passed.. After EOC's my teacher found me and I made and 87 on my EOC.

I was happy with that. It meant one more point on my grade. I told her I was happy with that.

A lot of fun activity's happened at the end and I gave everyone a Christmas gift before we left for Christmas Break. Also I forgot to mention this in the last chapter.

After telling my mom about my attempts. I told someone. I told Nora. I told her everything and she listened. She never interrupted me. She listened and let me talk and kept her eyes on me. When I was finished she stood up and told me to stand up with her.

She hugged me and told me to never do that again. If something is ever wrong to call her. No matter if it's something small or huge. She wants to know. That she would always be there for me.

I hugged her back and like my parents I felt closer to her.

Nora got me a calligraphy writing pencil. With a feather on the end. One of the old types to. Ones that looked like our ancestors used and that made it better.

Tay gave me $5 

So on and so on. It was a very emotional morning. After the day ended I rode the bus home with my friends and then my Christmas break started.

Now this Christmas was going to be different then all the other past Christmases. This year my brother and I would only receive gifts from my mom and dad. I was fine with this. We would just be playing games and winning prizes. 

In 2018 It would be at my cousins house. I was excited cause I got to see my cousins.

It didn't take us long to get to my cousins house. When we got there I had a huge grin on my face. I was excited to see them. We had a movie night almost every night. My cousin Kelly did my make up every day.

She was better at it then me. 

I'm not jealous or envious if that's what you're thinking.

I don't like make up. The only reason I wear it is because my Nana and my mom said it was time for me to start wearing it. This was the beginning of Freshman year. 

I wore it through my hard times and it is now stuck on me.

What I mean by that is when I didn't wear it during my depressed times I would always call myself ugly. So now every time I have to go outside I have to wear make up. I just feel like I'm not beautiful without it.

So there is that. 

My cousin did my make up everyday and we watched a lot of Netflix. 

Now I want you guys to know I support people who are gay. I do. I'm fine with them because you can't control who you love and God won't pin you to hell for liking the same sex. He won't pin you for that. You can't control your heart. 

Plus I wanna say this. That is a big issue now. Trying to band people who are gay and banning gay marriage.

Let me say this.

We've been through this before.

   " No we haven't. "




Yes we have. 

We have had problems before accepting people.

First it was people who had a different skin color than people who had white skin.

Secondly it was women's rights. Treating men and women equally. We still have some issues with that to this day.

Now, it's people who are gay.

History repeats itself because no one listens the first time.

It's repeating itself. Plus what's so bad about them?

They are humans just like we are. 

Or could it be a religion thing?

Now I believe in God. I believe he sent his son to this Earth to die for our sins. I thank him every day for doing it. 

I won't say I'm a christian though. I won't say it because I'm still learning. Sure I have been baptized, but that doesn't mean anything. What it means is that you are willing to keep going on your rode towards God.

I'm still finding questions and questions, but my faith and belief do not wander.

God won't pin people who are gay to hell. He's a kind God. 

But My cousin thought differently.

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