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So I said I would later explain the WattPad stuff so here it goes.

I created my WattPad account to originally read stuff. I love reading. I've read a lot of good stories on here. Then I read one story and thought,

   ' I would never say that. '


   ' I would never do that. '

So I tried my hand at writing. It's done me good so far.

When I started writing I wasn't in the best mind set so I didn't expect a lot of love. But that's exactly what I received. 


Everyone gave me so much love and I couldn't help but feel so emotional about it. I never felt so much love and care. I realized I was such in a loving and caring community. 

I cried a few times because of how loving it is.

I still can't believe it. I'm so happy to be a part of this community writing stories and comments meeting new people.

I felt loved.

That's why when ever some tells me that my books should be bigger or that I'm the best author. I only do half the work. The people who comment and the people who encourage me do half the work. They do half the work and I do the other half.

I see my followers and commenters as family. They help me feel better about myself and made me feel cared for and loved. They have helped me through my dark times and I've tried to help them in any way I can.

I could never leave them.

WattPad is my life line. I feel happy when I'm on here typing away and looking through comments and everything.

So I always have to say thank you thank you thank you! Cause without any of this I don't know If I would still have my sanity.

I won't put this story as complete because I am going to keep typing things out because this is my life and I welcome you to say anything you want to me about it.

That I'm selfish

I'm trash

I only want attention

I'm pretty

I'm smart

I''m an idiot.

Throw it at me.

Cause I'll only accept it with open arms. I dare you to do it. I won't bite. 

I know when my friends read this I may ruin some friendships I have with them because of my opinion and things like that. Or because of what I've said. I'm not afraid to lose them. I care for them and I can't change if they want to leave. I'll be sad and upset, but I know I'll miss them. I just hope they understand this story. If you do decide to leave.....

then thank you for changing my life.

The butterfly effect. One flap of a butterflies' wings can cause a tornado. Or it's like the snowball effect. These people have affected me through my life. It leads to good and it can lead to bad. I am very observant and I notice things. 

Another thing. My brother hasn't been the best but its better now than ever. So don't give Trey crap. He's a good brother.

So thank you for now for reading this story about my life. I'm glad I got to share it with you.

So thank you for walking into my life.

I love you all. <3 

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