Chapter 44

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So, county fairs....they seem and look fun. The fair was in town this week and I have never been to my county fair since I was 3. When I was three, my dad or mom, I can't remember, took me to the fair and then after that my mom took me to another fair in a different county. After those 2 times of my mother taking me to the other county fair we never went again because my mom got sick of it.

So, Wheezey, Rain, and I planned to go to the fair together so we could have fun and spend time together.

We had some complications though.

My father is very over-protective and he never wanted me to go to my county fair again cause he thought I would be kidnapped and there would be a lot of people there who were drunk or not good to be around. He did agree to let me go for 2 hours though. Which is better than nothing.

Then Wheezey got hurt after school. She was walking backward in the heat and she fell. Her leg popped out of place. When I left school I went to my car and I saw teachers surrounding someone in the parking lot and I didn't see who it was until Rain told me it was Wheezey. So, Wheezey couldn't go to the fair with us.

She is better now and I'm really glad she is better and her leg is popped back into place. Rain and I were really worried about her.

Rain and her grandma came to pick me up and we went to Rains house to chill before going to the fair because we had some time to wait. Her house was really nice and we just laid on her bed and made stupid funny videos of each other. 

Then when we went to the fair I was really excited. We got inside and we walked around for a bit. We passed by Richard and Bobby a couple of times. Rain and I decided to start riding rides and it was really fun. I hadn't been to a fair in years and it was so fun. After 3 rides I wasn't sick yet and we decided to meet up with Richard and Bobby. We walked with them down to another ride that when you got in it, it spun around and pressed you against the wall because of the speed it spun at.

Richard warned me I would get a little sick. I did not listen. The floor of the ride fell from underneath us sometimes and my shoe actually got stuck for a minute. It went down and then went back up. So I freed my foot but it surprised me. When I got off I was a little sicky. We walked back to another ride and it was one Rain and I had already ridden.

When we got on it I actually got even sicker. So after we got off of that ride we took a break from rides and I really appreciate that they did that because I was ready to throw up. We walked around and then got something to eat. 

My stomach was churning. I should have listened to Richard about the sick part of that one ride. So I ate only half a hotdog. I did want to try a deep-fried oreo because I heard it was delicious but with my stomach being the way it was I didn't get one. We kept trying to convince Rain to eat something and she didn't eat anything but a few pieces of funnel cake. She ate at home though so that made me feel better that she ate.

So we were gonna sit down at the place we had birthday parties at and on the way we ran into a friend of mine. His name was Cody.


During this last year in high school, Cody and I had a class together. The teacher moved everyone's seats and I sat in fornt of him. I thought I would make a conversation and make a friend so I would have someone to talk to in class. We became good friends and I thought he liked me at one point because every time we would talk I would see his face flush. 

During this last summer, I was at the store with Rain and Wheezey and he messaged me asking me out. I told him no, because I didn't see him in that way. We didn't talk a lot after that until one day I saw him and held a conversation. So, now we talk like we used to. I still get vibes from him though that makes me feel like he still likes me. So he asked if I was going to the fair I said I was and he asked what day I was going and I said Friday. He said we may bump into each other because he was going Friday as well.


So he walked with us to the seating area where we had our friends birthday parties. We sat there and ate our food and split a funnel cake. Richard kept trying to get Rain to eat and I don't blame him for trying. So at this time I only had a couple of minutes until Raven had to take me home and it was starting to get dark. I wish I could have stayed longer but my dad would not let me even though I am a 17-year-old girl.

There was nothing I could do about it. So we spent time together before I had to leave and then It was time for Rain and me to leave. Bobby and Richard gave me the rest of the funnel cake we all split. I came home and felt drunk honestly or that I had a hangover. I took two Tylenol and took a nice cool bath and then I went to bed. I did not sleep at all.

I couldn't I had too much Pepsi. Literally, before Friday I hadn't had a Pepsi in 2 weeks. So I stayed awake until 4:30 and then I went to sleep.

I had a lot of fun at the fair and I want to go next year and maybe just maybe my dad will let me have a later curfew since I'll be a senior.

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