Chapter 8

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Hope was a girl who walked around carrying drama with her. I didn't think she was any good, but I changed my mind quickly. We shared a hotel room and I would talk to her about a lot of stuff and we eventually became really good friends. 

When we moved to the 7th grade I talked to her a lot more and we became really really good friends. She would always ask me for advice and I would help her if she needed it. 

I had a lot of fun through 7th grade. With Hope, there were a lot of tears shed and a lot of heartbreaks, but I was there to help her through it. 

I'm still friends with her today. I'm happy I met her and we became friends. 

I also made another friend that same year her name was Petunia. She likes Zelda, SuperSmash Bros, and she liked some of the stuff Mary liked, except she was sassy. Whenever she could she would say something sassy and/or make jokes about a lot of stuff.

I'm friends with her today as well. She is as sassy as ever.

The 7th-grade year wasn't that exciting. Nothing really happened. My ankle got better though. I could walk on it with no problems. I also had gym that year. So I had band and gym together. I made more friends in band like Ally, Rain, and much more. I also won a medal for a solo I played.

I was happy to have received a medal. It made me feel good.

My brother got worse that year. He would push me down and down and down whenever he could, even when there was nothing to argue about. I had a laptop at the time and I would be on it a lot because I never got computer time on my mom's computer. Whenever I was on it Trey would always tell me to get off so he could get on it. It was always unfair, but There was nothing I could do about it.

So when I was on my laptop I would be on our wifi and watch YouTube and you know type on DeviantArt. Making stories and doing little art paintings.

I remember that Trey was always on his PlayStation 3 or 4 playing games all the time. Like 24/7. He was even sleep deprived because he spent so long on the PlayStation. He never got off it.

So when I got on my laptop I would take up the wifi. He would always yell at me saying I needed to get off. 

But on this one particular day...

I was on my laptop and I was making lunch at the same time. I heard Trey yell and I shut down my computer and hid it under the blankets of my bed. I ran back to the kitchen and continued to cook. Trey stomped through the kitchen to my room. He started looking for it. I grabbed his arm and said to leave. He picked me up and threw me onto the bed. Right. On. Top. Of. My. Laptop.

It hurt my back. I rolled off the bed and fell on the floor. He started to leave when I got up and ran towards him. I hit his back and yelled at him. He turned towards me and hit me. He grabbed both of my arms and yelled at me.

   " You don't yell at me!"

He was squeezing my arms tightly. When he let go I threw a popcorn bowl at him and turned back towards the stove to continue cooking my lunch. He picked up a butter knife and threw it at me. It hit the wall in the fancy dining room and it fell on to the floor.

I know it wasn't an actual knife. Like a sharp knife, but none the less a knife in general.

Mom came home and I told her. She got on to him, but it came to me and they both yelled at me.

It wasn't fun.

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