Chapter 48

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I grew tiersome of giving her my notes. She clearly wasn't studying and it was wasting my time to give her my notes when they are just gonna sit in her binder and she wasn't going to tak eone glance at them. She never even used it on assignments or anything. 

I grew tired of it. 

Then, she started telling her boyfriend and her frieds that she wasn't getting any help in the class. That got me a little mad. Cause Rain, Petra, and I tried to help her and sometimes we did and other times she would throw a small tantrum. 

Of course Rain and Petra got mad. I tried to stay calm and patient with her. I didn't want to be mean to her and say anything because I was afraid she would kick my butt. She is literally strong. 

So, one day I'm not there. I had a competition with one of my clubs. The next day I come back and take a spanish test and I walk back inside the class room. To my knowledge everything was fine. I started taking my notes for class and when I was finished she asked for them. I handed them to her and she gave them back and said she would get them tomorrow. The bell rings and I'm out of that class. I leave and go to Algebra.

When i get ot my college biology class Rain and Petra looked really mad. I sat down and asked them what was wrong and they told me,

   " When you left Olivia said started complaning. "

   " What's new? "

   " She said ' I'm not trying to be a B**** or anything but Laura doesn't help me at all, she always gives me her notes before the class ends ( Which is a lir. I try and get them done and let her see them before I leave which is 10 minutes ). "

Petra told me how Rain stood up for me and told Olivia off. Petra said Rain was being sassy and told Olivia how I did always help her and that I shouldn't help her anyway. I hugged and thanked Rain for defending me, but at this point I snapped. My patience had run out. She could tell the whole school she wasn't getting any help, but when she puts the blame on me that's where I draw the line. 

I had helped her everyday and did my best, but she wouldn't listen or care enough to try. So, I decided to tell her the next day that I'm not helping her anymore.

I was done. I was wasting my time and I just wanted to focus on my studies.

So, the next day Mrs. M signed everyone up for an app on our phones. It had all the notes for every lesson on it. I thought,

   ' Olivia doesn't need my notes anymore. They are here on her phone. '

She walked in with her mouth injured so she couldn't talk, I didn't judge cause I don't know what happens with her, and she wrote me a note.

Hey, I need to borrow your written notes again. I still can't see the board.

This made me even more mad. I had helped her set up the app and everything on her phone so she could get notes and everything. I looked at Rain and she shook her head no. After Olivia saying what she did about me I knew Rain would punch her if she had to. I wrote,

I can't help you anymore, Olivia. I need to focus on my own studies. I really need to pass this class and I have to focus. I can't help you anymore.

I gave her the note and she read it. When she was finished she crumpled up the paper in her fist and threw it in her backpack. She threw a tantrum but I just paid attention to the lesson. During the lesson I could see her putting her pencil to her wrists and trace lines down ward on her veins. Petra told me later she was trying to make cuts on her wrist. She went and told the school counselor but the counselor told her not to speak of it and to keep it confidential. 

I was a little scared at this point. 

I was scared all day after that. 

After I told her that I felt as if she was gonna punch me.

I kept my guard up all day until I got home. Even then I still felt uneasy. I went to my last block and I heard someone say,

   " Olivia wants to kill Laura. "

When the guy said that I got even more scared. I now know I am going to get punched. Probably soon. I walked to my car once the bell rang and got in and waited of Wheezey to get there. I usually drive her home so I waited. I saw Olivia and she saw me in my car. As she walked by I had my car locked. She looked through my rear window and then when she looked through my window she just kept walking but I could tell she wanted to walk away like nothing happened, but I could tell through her facial expression she was mad. Wheezey got in the car and I drove away as fast as I could.

I told her about how I was worried and she said that if Olivia tried to hit me she would beat her butt with a godly force. It made me feel better that I have friends that would defend me. I got to thinking about it and I could get her arrested if she hit me. Assult on a minor. Because she is 18 or 19 and I'm only 17 so I could charge her. I told my mom and she said shes glad I did what I did. I also told her that if she ever gets a call from the school and they said I was in trouble I hit her after she hit me.

I told my mom that if Olivia hits me I am going to hit her back. I just hope Rain or Wheezey don't get involved. I wouldn't want them to get punched, but Rain, Petra, and Wheezey both said that they would defend me and punch her if they needed to. 

I'm just worried for the next day. I feel like I am going to get punched.

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