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I can't say anything.

My brother as children we loved one another. Then my dad left and he started the verbal abuse started. He was mean to me for years. I hated it. I felt like trash. I felt like nothing. I felt terrible.


Then, he turned nice. 

I felt that he hated me. I thought that he did hate me. I thought he would always hate me and never see me as his sister.

He changed.

He started talking to me like a brother and would be kind to me. Sure he still had some things that annoyed me but hes my brother. I love him. Now I know he loves me and it fills my heart to know that.

It makes me happy knowing he doesn't hate me. 

I love Trey. I know he loves me.

In the future I know we will be together and love one another and not have him pick on me like he used to.

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