Chapter 11

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4-H Congress is an event in my state that you can stay at a hotel and represent your county. You can be a Senator or Representative. I was a senator and my best friend Nora was the representative. We drove to the biggest city in the state and stayed at this really nice hotel. I made a lot of friends and reconnected with my old friend Jocy. I made friends with Drew ( Cute ), Jackson, Sam, Madelyn, and Nor. I made friends with all these guys. I was so happy.

We got to meet our senator and representative and talk with them. Fortunately for me, I knew the senator's daughter. Her name is Jalyn. I have been friends with her for a while, but she was a grade below me. So we didn't see each other much.

We had a dance and a lot of formal events. I had to wear a dress a lot. At the dance, though I got to wear my regular clothes. My friend Nor ( That is her real name ) grabbed my hand and begged me to dance with her and another one of her friends. I didn't know her name. I told them I don't dance, but she said she can't either. I agreed and I danced with them the whole time. Jackson came onto the dance floor too and danced with us.

It was so much fun, but I noticed that Nora wasn't dancing. I asked her to come dance and she said she would go in a minute. She never did. I didn't know but she liked Sam. Sam had a girlfriend so she never told him she liked him, but they were always together.

I made friends with another pair of boys, but I forgot their names. They were from a different county. I'm not going to lie they were cute. One of them would always say he had a girlfriend, but Nora, Jocy, and I didn't believe him. I talked with him a few times and every time we would joke around. The last time I saw him was at the dance. I told him to join in on the dancing and he eventually did. He also wore a leather jacket a lot. Jocy liked him a lot though so I never said anything.

The day we had to leave it was a sad day. None of us wanted to leave our friends behind. I miss everyone. I haven't texted Sam at all since we left. Nora did though. His girlfriend was out of the state and it was long distance. She was suicidal as well so I hope everything with him is going fine. I may text him later. I missed Drew and Jocy a lot though. They lived in the same county. I never got his number cause I never asked but I miss him honestly. When Nora and Jocy were occupied with Sam and the other guy I would talk with drew. He was a jokester and we would talk a lot about a lot. I liked him a little, to be honest. What made it more fun was that Sam and Drew lived in the room next to Nora, Jocy, and mine.

I remember this one night he banged on the wall two times. Nora looked at me and I banged the wall two times. He replied with three more. Eventually, we got softer and softer until I yelled back good night. He yelled back goodnight and we all went to sleep.

I talked with him a lot, so when I was coming home I hugged him and told him bye. We had a few things in common too. I haven't heard anything from him since. I wish I got his number. I wish I had actually asked him for his number, but I didn't. I regret it a lot now. I miss 4-H Congress. I want to go back.

If I had one wish it would be to go back in time to 4-H Congress. So I can talk to Drew and get his number. I liked him, but I never asked. I remember when I first sat at the same table as him. He had headphones on and was listening to music on his phone. I remember thinking...

   ' That's what I would be doing if I was alone. And if Jocy wasn't here. '

Literally, that's what I do in car rides. I turn some music on and listen to music. I even brought my headphones and showed them to him. We high-fived and I said that great minds think alike.

I wish I had gotten his number now I could ask Jocy for it, but I thought that it would be weird if I randomly texted him. Plus if I heard that he had a girlfriend now it would break me. I wish I had gotten his number now.

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