Chapter 4

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Her name was Nora. She was and still is my best friend. I was sitting alone at recess because I didn't know anyone. She introduced herself to me and we started talking. I didn't tell her any details or things like that. I just didn't know what to say.

Later I found out that she had an imaginary friend. I played it off like I had an imaginary friend. I probably shouldn't have. I didn't believe in it and I still don't. I never understood how children saw them?

She helped me come out of my shell slowly. So in 3rd grade, I made another friend named Wheezey. She has a WattPad page, but she won't tell me. Wheezey is her name and Rapunzel was her nickname.

She had the longest hair I had ever seen. It was down to her feet. Her hair was blonde and I always called her Rapunzel because of it. She had blue eyes and she was short. We made a lot of jokes and we made each other laugh. I'm still friends with her today.

She has made my life happy and full of jokes.

I also met another girl. Her name was Kayla. At the time I thought we were friends. Apparently not. I'll discuss that now.

When we moved to the 4th grade she started ignoring me. She became popular and left me behind. I didn't know how to feel about that, so I forgot about it. 

I will admit, I'm glad we stopped being friends. I don't want to be involved with her anymore. I feel like if I was involved with her now then she would only be asking me to do her homework. She isn't that smart, or let me change my wording. She isn't that intellectual.

I'm glad we aren't friends anymore. We aren't even acquaintances.

It wasn't all that exciting through 3rd and 4th grade. Teachers bragging about me and students asking me questions and spreading the rumor of how smart I am.

Eventually, I got tired of people calling me smart so I made a quote.

   "  Tomato, Tomato ( said differently ), refrigerator. "

This was my quote. I made this along with another one. I made this quote just last year.

   " A flower can be beautiful. At the same time, it can hurt you. Don't blame it though. It's only trying to protect itself. After all, you were the one who touched it. "

This quote was a deep quote for girls. I think only girls or broken boys will understand this. I hope either one of them helps someone.

During 5th grade, it was a quick, yet weird. My teacher Mrs. Apple was my math teacher. Mrs. Cornella was my science teacher. Finally Mrs. Whit as my English teacher. Mrs. Whit always bragged on me. I didn't do too well in science because my teacher wasn't a good science teacher. Mrs. Apple was an okay teacher. 

Nothing interesting really happened in that class except my Grade. * Cough * * Cough * A+ * Cough *.

Then one day I met a girl named Sadie.

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