Chapter 9

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After I finished 7th grade and moved up to the 8th grade. I worked harder on my studies. One of my neighbors was an 8th grade teacher and I loved her sons. At the time they were in 5th grade. their names were John, short for Johnathan, and Clay. They were very sweet and polite boys. I loved them to death. Sometimes I would watch them and take care of them. We had a lot of fun.

So whenever I was in their moms class I would talk to her about them. I loved her class I had a few friends in there.

~ Mary

~ Hope


I was happy. Everything was going fine for me. I was still in band at the time. Saxophones rule! I was the second best out of our whole group. It was a fun good year. This was also my last year before high school and I was nervous. My brother as I have said Is older than me and goes through the same set of teachers that I go through. So I always think that my teachers expect more from me than the other students because they had my brother in their class.

It would be like that for a while. I'm always known as Trey's little sister. They don't even call my name unless I tell them too. I'm in his shadow expecting to be better than him.

But all I did was try my best in school and I succeeded.

At the end of the year we have an 8th grade prom so naturally went shopping with my mom, nana, and my cousin Kelly.

We picked out a beautiful black and white dress. After we left I went home and told Nora about it over the phone. the next day I got asked to prom by William. He was really short, but I didn't care about that. The only thing is... I didn't like him. I didn't see him as anything but a friend. so I told him ' no '.

Later the next day I heard one of my guy friends wasn't going to prom. Now he was my really close friend. He had a crush on Hope since forever and he would always try to confess to her but she would always turn him down. So I heard that he wasn't going to prom and I thought I would ask him to go with me as friends.

He's like a nice big brother to me. I didn't have any romantic feelings for him. I just felt bad that he wasn't going to prom. So somehow everyone in the whole 8th grade found out before I could tell him. So when it was 5th block I walked over to the clarinet section I asked him and he said yes. So  I was going to prom with my friend.

So when prom night came my mom drove me to the place we were having it. So I walked inside and found Petunia and Mary. We sat down and took a few pictures. Then when the music started playing I found Hope and her cousin and Katlyn and we both started dancing to the music.

It was weird for me.

I don't dance.

I don't dance because I know I'm not good at it, but still, I try and It looks like I'm not as bad as I think. I guess I don't know!

Throughout the night I didn't dance with my guy friend because it would feel weird. So after a while he went home and I stayed. Now his best friend stayed too and so did Nora. The prom lasted till 10:00 PM. I stayed the whole time. When it was getting close to the end of prom they played 4 slow songs.

I had no one to dance with. Nora and I were just talking when her date Sale asked her to dance. She went and danced and I was left alone.

Then, his best friend stood beside me and he asked me to dance and I said yes. We slow danced and I was nervous because I didn't know how to slow dance, but I picked it up quick. So we talked and danced the entire time.

   " When the dates gone the best friend swoops in and takes the girl. "

That was one of my favorite lines he said.

It was true and funny. So we danced the entire night away. When it was time I left and went home.

Now let me tell you. I had no feelings for anyone up until this point. Because I dated Dale had a crush on Zane and then I left those feelings so I wouldn't ruin our friendship. And now, I liked my friends best friend.

After a while, I spent more time with him in Mrs. Sally's class. We would always joke around and say m 'lady when leaving a room. I started it by opening a door for him and saying it. Then he would always try to get me back. He was good at the game.

Then when I left 8th grade I went to high school. Wow I was a Freshman. I was fresh meat. I didn't like it. My brother was a Junior and I was a Freshman.

Not something I wanted to be known for.

Trey's little sister.

Then there's William. He felt like a leech. Wouldn't leave me alone.  felt very uncomfortable with him around. So I stopped talking to him. I tried to shut him out of my life because I didn't like him and he was a little mean to people I would joke with.

He was Elijah's best friend and I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Elijah. So I never said anything.

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