Chapter 43

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So I wanted to talk to A. I was scared though of his friend Z. Wheezey and Rain were talking about how Z has been acting rude lately and caused A to think like this.

So, I kind of waited for Z to leave A alone so I could talk with him.

I kept going to the ' bathroom ' so I could think about it more. The bathroom was backed up with girls so I stayed by the wall so no one could see me. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry, but I didn't want anyone to see it. Since I couldn't go to the bathroom I didn't shed any tears. I went multiple times but it was always filled with girls. I asked to use another one, but they said no. I gave up on trying. Once I saw A was alone I walked up to him and asked to talk. He said sure.

I told him about what Ashley said and he replied with something like this. 

   " Well we were talking about it this morning and I wanted to talk to you about it but I never found the time and I forgot. "

   ' If it was so important why didn't you text me, dm me, or talk to me right now and why did it slip your mind if you made such a big deal out of it. '

   " So you want your name out of it? "

   " Yes. "

   " Okay. I'll take your name out of it. "

   " Thanks. '

I nodded and walked away from him. After that Richard asked some people to play a game and I did that for the rest of the incentive. When I got home I took his name out and told him. He said he wanted to talk about it with me because he knew I was mad. 

He started talking about how I put his name and everyone's name in the book without permission and that I could get into some serious legal trouble. 

1. This is WattPad A

2. That's for me to deal with not you

3. Sue me for what? I took your name out

4. I am not publishing this book into an actual hardcover book or selling it to anyone so it doesn't matter

The thing that hurt the most was how he said he had screenshots and...

   " I have screenshots, Laura! I have proof! "

   " So you could sue me? "

   " Yes, if you didn't take our names off. "

That's what got me. That's what hurt the most.

Did he think I wouldn't take his name off? In all honesty, I would have taken his name off if he asked me. But he didn't ask me I had to ask him. Does he think I'm not a good friend? Does he think I am that type of person? Apparently so.

I told him that if he sees his name again to tell me and I'll take it off. Then I left the conversation. I blocked him on Instagram for a while because I didn't want to keep re-looking at the conversation. I unblocked him later but I muted him on WattPad.

I am not mad at him anymore. I want to make that clear I am not mad at him anymore. 


He broke the promise. He broke it by telling Z and mentioning it to where Ashley heard. I promised myself that if someone did mention it to someone else I would cut off that friendship. I know it sounds harsh, but this account is really important to me. As long as my own identity is safe everyone else's identity is safe. So far my identity and account are safe.

So to me, I only see an acquaintance relationship between me, A, and Z

I wrote these two chapters because I really wanted to get this off my chest because that's all I have been thinking about lately is if I am a good friend or not.

Because he thought I wouldn't take his name off and he said he can sue and blackmail me into doing it. It only makes me think I'm a bad person or I'm a terrible friend because he never talked to me and he never asked me and I had to hear it from Ashley.

So I guess my theory is fact. I am a terrible friend and I am a bad person. 

I don't think my thoughts are going to change about his. Because my mind has now said it isn't a theory anymore.




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