Okay, okay. hi. what is up.
so I am gonna go on kind of a mini rant rn. yup
it's about those things that you see in people's bios where it's like
"you say gold? we say budder."
"you have justin bieber and nicki minaj on your iPod? we have skydoesminecraft and minecraft universe."
and I saw one today that was like
"you say cat? we say neko."
what does that even mean.
do you really call cats "neko."
do you really point to anything gold and you're like "ooh budder."
do you
I just don't really care for those things.
I'm not judging you if you have them in your bios, fine, it's your decision.
but with those things, with me at least, you kind of give off the vibe that you're better than everyone else just because you do things differently.
lIKE I DONT CALL CAT NEKO. I kind of started crying when I read that bcuz I was just really confused and I never heard anyone call a cat neko and I was like "am I a bad person for not being an otaku weeaboo?"
i don't know, it made me sad.
*cries* I'm a gOOD NOODLE OKAY.
(*Mrs puff voice* YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A BAD EGG)
I like avatar and pokemon.
does that count.
one time for Halloween in fourth grade I dressed up as katara...
everyone complimented me on my costume.
best moment ever.
Okay where was I.
so yeah. I just don't like those things. it's fine if you have them, like you really aren't hurting anyone.
but why.
just think about it for a second.
also, it's totally fine to show appreciation for the things that you love... but... why must you do it in such a way that makes it seem that you're better than everyone else?
also jfc, EVERYONE HAS THEM IN YOUR BIO. Will it kill you to be a bit original?