today was a drag

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today was my first day back at school after winter break

tbh i'm so tired like ew

and my friend called me emo today and i was like thx ik

and lol i'm laughing bc literally three of my friends told me that i look russian instead of italian and one tried speaking russian to me and i got confused like what

also my math teacher and i finished our music debate

he told me all rock music sounds the same

paramore sucks

and that green day is awful!!!!!!

next debate is on my religion, or lack of


he makes me laugh

he's a great teacher tbh

also tbh i want to be one of those people that update like everyday

maybe i can try working on that

bc rn my schedule is jacked up af

its like


youtube vids and talking to friends



more youtube and talking to friends

does hw at nine o clock


wake up periodically in the middle of the night and have an existential crisis

maybe i'll work out a new schedule, idk

i've yawned five times while writing this jesus

i need to do something productive with my life goodbye

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