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the title looks like a weeb anime series right

Its a writing challenge

i am challenging all of u to participate in NaNoWriMo, which is short for national novel writing month

basically it is a challenge where u have to write a novel in a month

it starts the november 1 and ends november 30

and you have to have a set word count

the automatic word count is 30K words, but u can do less or more

im gonna do 30K, so that means 1K words a day

soo yeahh

its not a contest, what u win is the satisfaction of writing a complete novel

i actually saw an entry alread on wattpad that started this month and was like pffffftt cheater

this is a good challenge if you want to break like your procrastinating habit or whatever.

also, you dont edit as you go, ya kinda just keep writing and edit at the end. 

and you get to write everyday!!

with that being said, since im participating in this, dont expect any updates from my regular books

sorry :(

butttttt if i do complete the challenge, expect a full novel to be posted on my second account :)

which btw is @best-intentions

and if you plan on entering, the website is 

and if you plan on entering, think about it beforehand because starting november first ya gotta write honnneeyeeyyyy 

okay im done byyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee come participate with meeeeeeee give me motivation 1K words a day is a lotttttt

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