First meeting

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I open my eyes, blinking away the sleep. The dream still fill my senses, but what it was about lays just outside my reach there was only this warm content feeling left. I can't remember sleeping this well for a long time and I stretch my body, feeling utterly content, before closing my eyes, drifting of again. I sit up, something is wrong ! Something is missing..

Shit ! I jump out of bed.

"Fucking clock". I hiss and throw open my closet. A pair of jeans and a jumper later I skip out into the kitchen, a sock dangling on my foot. I grab a piece of crisp bread on my way.

A packed lunch I have to imagine again today, if I don't want to be even more late. I grab my bag and hurry out the door and run towards the school.

I step into the school seven minutes later, finding the hallways empty, only the canteen has a few student left, who apparently needs their coffee more than they need to be on time. I hurry down to my class, were the first lesson has started.

It just had to be mathematics that I am late for, well with my luck it can't be any different. The teacher already loves me and this is bound to up my star.

I slowly open the door and slide along the wall to my spot in the back of the room.

"Well good morning miss Summer". The teacher huffs. "How nice of you to actually show up to the lesson. Maybe we could try and be here on time the next time ? If it isn't to much to ask".

Damn ! Busted ! "Sure.. or no I mean. Morning". I turn towards him making a face that is supposed to be a smile.

He sends me a tired glare over his thick Armani glasses and my smile fades. "Sorry I'm late". I mumble and quickly get to my seat.

"What a loser". Davina whispers to me, when I slump down into my chair. "He is just a dumb teacher who gets of on being mean to people who has a life outside this hellhole of a school".

I roll my eyes as an answer.

"Wanna bet that he is totally pussywhipped by his wife at home". Davina say with a wink.

"Nah didn't she run of with someone else at the prom last year". I shoot back with a chuckle.

Davina choke down a hysteric giggle, but the teacher of course catch it anyway. And he turns to stare at us. "So Soleil, now when you decided to be late, it must mean you already know how to find X in the equation of a straight line". He huffs.

The entire class turn their attention to me and the room goes totally quit, while I search for my book, halfway in panic.

Davina push her book towards me and tab with a black nail on some numbers and words. I grab it with a thankful sigh. The silence is so loud now and I try to focus on the book and finding the right place. But everything just seems to melt together.

"I .. uhmm". I swallow, my mouth feeling like I have sawdust in it.

"Well then. Then could you ladies please pay attention ? This is a very important part of Your exam". The teacher turns back towards the blackboard and starts talking again.

I collapse with a sigh when the attention is turned away from me and I hurry up finding my own book and notes.

"Fuck mathematics". Davina sneer. "Lets try and get on paradise hotel or some other reality show next year, so we can get discovered by some cool producer and get paid a shit load of money for just being cool".

I can't hold back a snicker. "That I want to see, the queen of goth in paradise hotel".

"That enough". The teacher croak. "Soleil please leave as you clearly don't want to follow the lesson anyway".

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