The life of a witch

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"That's it ! I am never gonna learn this. So if I am not to get a melt down we need to stop now". I get out through gritted teeth and exhausted huffs. I have just ended on the ground for only God knows which time after trying to jump. I have done my best and nada is happening". I point to my sweaty and sore body.

Gudrun straightens up and looks at Marta who sighs. "Alright then, five minutes break. Then I come with something else for you to do".

"What just happened ?" I say, letting Gudrun pull me to my feet.

"You are fighting, you are doing Your best. Marta knows that and she is just at frustrated that she can't help you over Your barrier". Gudrun answers.

"Barrier ?"

"Sol, you have the ability in you. You have to believe. Maybe you just need to focus on something else than staff training. Sometimes the solution comes unexpected". She sends me a friendly smile.

Marta come back out with a big painting and a rolled up poster. "Forgive me brother, but sister Sol here need Your help". She hammers a nail into a tree, hanging up the painting and stick the poster on top of it".

Both me and Gudrun breaks down in giggles.

She turns and walks towards us, a lopsided grin on her face. "Yeah I know, not the best likeness, but this will have to do". She nods towards the poster from 'The wolfman' and hands me a small leather pouch. "Here".

I open it and scrunch my brow when I see the purple ampuls with the poison.

"Don't worry, it's just coloured water, to see how good you hit". Marta explain and step aside. "Now try and see if you can hit him from here".

I carefully pull out one and throw it like a dart after the picture. It just graces the lower left corner, but it just fall dead on the ground, still intact.

"Come on; more power. They are made of glass, you need to break them". Gudrun calls out to me.

"But are they even going to break ? When they hit a body I mean". I ask.

"Sure the bitter galdr the real ones are closed with will make sure they do break on impact". Marta say.

"And those beasts have muscles of pure steel". Gudrun giggles.

"When you are using these you need to remember that the high hamram are very smart and very fast. They are not going into the same trap twice, so you need to always be one step ahead. Can I borrow the pouch ?" Marta holds out her hand and I quickly hand it to her. "This poison gives us an advantage. It will make them unfocused and slow them down, but if you only throw one you are almost sure to miss. They are simple to darn fast". Marta turns towards the poster, taking an ampul into each hand as she throws both of them at the same time.

The first one hits the wolfman in the face, the second flies pats the frame but it still breaks.

"This throw works if you know which side the hamram is going to move to. We never know, so we always throw three at a time". She pulls three new ampuls. She whispers again, as she swing right, then left and then right hand again.

This time one hits right in the middle of the poster and the other two breaks on the frame on each side of the poster.

"Wow". I had hoped that this would finally be something easy for me to practise, but I already know it won't.

"One on each side and one in the middle ups Your chances of hitting with at least one. Remember you might only get one chance. Next time he will know as soon as you reach for the pouch. Even if they can't smell us, they know the scent of aconite and as I said, they rarely fall for the same trick twice". Marta hands me back the pouch. "But start with throwing one, when you can hit with that you can move on to throwing two and three". She sends me a warm smile. "I'll go get some more".

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now