Finally he ask

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Dinner at the fancy restaurant had really been transboundary to me, but as long as I stayed focussed on Tom and our own table, I managed to abstract from everything else.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "You are paler than usual".

"I am okay thanks". I mumble. As long as I don't drop anything or start coughing water all over the table.

"You better get used to it if you are to create clothes to the high and mighty ladies, like the ones here tonight". He makes a motion with his head.

I gasp as I look around, recognising several very famous people, all wearing very expensive designer clothes. I bite my lip to relax myself.

Tom must have seen my growing panic, because he instantly turned the conversation to another subject and I let out a grateful sigh. I couldn't help watching the other guests and especially their clothes. Tom is right. I probably need to eat some of my ideals some day if I want to be a fashion designer. Those women are the ones I need to sell clothes to to pay my bills. And It wont help me being hung up on not feeling like I fit in or having ideas about overspending for that matter. It isn't exactly cheap cotton and polyester they wear.

Tom makes everything seem so easy. The way he describe running the clubs with such big passion, makes me allow myself to dream about more than suburban life with an middle income. He makes it sound like everything is possible if you have ambition and passion. As he drives me home I make my decision. With him I can get through one evening with the rich and famous. And when we hold outside my home, I tell him.

"I am happy to hear that". He answers. "Talk to you soon".

That was it, it was everything he said before he drove away.

Now it is thursday and I have no idea if he even wants me to go with him. I look at the clock. The music I have put on doesn't help and I am getting irritated that I haven't heard from him. Actually I haven't heard from him at all since tuesday and it is almost midnight now.

"And so what ? At least I had dinner at an extremely expensive restaurant". I mumble to myself, trying to brush it of. But inside I'm disappointed that he hasn't answered me. He must have found someone else. Someone more in his league.

When my phone starts buzzing I almost jump in surprise.

"It's Davina".

"Well good evening miss Berg. What are we doing on such a lovely summer evening ?" His deep voice sounds in the other end.

I close my eyes and breathe in deeply, trying to sound totally calm. "Well good evening Mr Hiddleston. Just sitting here in my virgin cage sewing my pillowcases".

"Well could you maybe come down to the parking lot ? I would like to talk to you". He laughs softly.

"What ? Like now ?"

"Yeah, I am kind of already down here. If you can leave you seeing for a moment". His voice get a pleading edge.

"I'll be down in two minutes".

I run to the mirror to check if everything looks okay. I could have used half an hour, but instead I pull my hair up in a bun and apply a bit of lip gloss. My clothes he just have to live with; I can't look like I am going to a royal ball every day.

When I get close to the door he steps out. He is wearing jeans and a hoodie. His hair is newly washed and not styled as it had been the last couple of times, instead it is falling in soft curls, and I am definitely gaping.

"I swear Davina, you are going to be the death of me. Now close that pretty mouth and get in the car okay ?" He laughs softly as he opens the door for me.

We drive down to the lake, were he stops the car overlooking the water. He looks out on the water. "This is my favorite place in town".

"I used to come here a lot as a kid, my father used to buy me ice cream". I tell, fumbling with a button in my shirt.

Suddenly he takes my hand, getting all serious. "The gallery opening ?"

"So this is it, the judgement, do I get voted home or do I get to go to the royal ball right ?" I bite my lip. Why do I always have to run my mouth ? Of course he found someone else to go with him. Who am I trying to fool ? He is way out of my league.

"You are really something special. You say the cleverest little things".

I look down on his hand, still holding mine. The touch is pure torture and my fingers are humming to tangled themselves with his.

Just give it to me.. but ...

"And I would really like to take you to the gallery opening as my date.. If you still want to come ?" He looks up and our eyes lock. "I think you are quite amazing".

His blue eyes are shining almost unnatural and when I feel him lean closer I am about to lose it. His kiss is soft and last for a wonderful long moment, before he pulls back. We both stare at each other with surprise.

"Oh wow". I sigh.

"Yeah, Wow". I repeat coarsely. His eyes are burning hungrily, as they slide to look at my lips and he leans forward again, capturing them, this time more demanding.

I give into his tempting kisses. I can feel that he wants me and right now I am willing to give him anything right here and now. But suddenly he pulls away.

"No not like this". He is gasping slightly. "I have been such a good boy this far. It would be stupid to ruin it now right ?"

Totally out of breath and dizzy I nod, fall back in my seat. For once I don't have any smart comment.

With an almost apologetic smile he turns to start the car, driving back to my house.

"I'll send a car for you saturday. I have a very late meeting in town, so unfortunately I can't pick you up myself. I'll meet you at the entrance". Again he takes my hand. "There will be a lot of influential people there, so I would be very happy if you could find a simple and elegant dress". He gets a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Or I'll happily buy you one".

"I only wear my own creations. Actually I got the perfect dress for the occasion". I try sounding offended, but the boyish grin on his face totally melts me.

"See you on saturday then ?" He say softly.

"I promise you won't regret it". I say, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

He pulls me in to kiss me again. His tongue playfully teasing mine, before he bites my bottom lip, and then slowly break the kiss.

"Neither will you". He whispers in my ear, his lips grazing my neck.

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now