A whole new world

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"I am not getting any premonitions Elder. But it doesn't seem like anyone is following us". The woman behind the wheel say with what sounds like a norse accent. She puts the car in gear and drive out of town.

I stare scared on the three women that had crashed my birthday party and almost dragged me into the car. I have no idea where we are going and even less why I had gone with them.

"I can't feel any presence either". The older woman in the passenger's seat says. "Whatever the darkness is, it isn't following us, not yet anyway".

I flinch slightly when my eyes lock with the women sitting next to me. She sends me a friendly smile. "I know you are a bit scared right now sweetie, it's okay".

Even if my mouth opens and I try to protest, not a single sound is coming out. It's like I have been wrapped in a blanket of peacefulness and it keeps me from breaking down or screaming in panic.

"I promise you that we know what we are doing and that you are safe with us". She send me a friendly smile and tugged a lock of red hair behind her ear.

"We got a long drive in front of us dear". The older woman said from the front seat. "Try and see if you can gets one rest".

It feels like the emotional blanket that keeps me calm tightens a bit around me. I relax and sink back in the seat. We are driving north I can see. It doesn't scare me any longer that I am being adopted from my home and I find that a bit weird. I am just sitting here, passive and calm. Like all the guests had done when the women arrived during the party.

My mom had come out into the hallway just after I opened the door and asked. "Who is it Sol".

My mom had stopped staring at the women, one of them had stepped forward saying. "Now I am sure we are at the right place. Sisters this is Tyra's granddaughter". She had looked at me. "And this is her great granddaughter I presume".

My mom nods, not saying anything, while I look confused from her to these Strange women. Where do my mom know them from ? And how does the old lady know my great grandmother ?

"These women are Tyra's descendants ?" The tallest of the women say.

"They sure are". The oldest say, winking at me with a friendly smile.

"I know you". My mom whispers. "You were there when my grandmother died".

The old woman look at my mother with surprise. "Yes my dear, unfortunately I was. It was a horrible day for all of us".

"No, no, no ! It can't be true". Suddenly my grandmother was standing in the doorway, screaming with madness shining from her eyes.

The two younger women stepped towards my grandmother, but stopped when the older one held up her hand. She turned towards my grandmother and started whispering soft words. As magic she stopped being hysteric, like someone had pulled the plug. And she just stood there, staring into space.

"Alice, listen to my voice. You did everything you could and we have kept Your family hidden and safe until now. But Your granddaughter is one of us, she have received her calling". The woman spoke in a low soft voice, looking at my grandmother who just nodded.

She turned towards me. "I think we should sit down and talk". She looked towards the sky. Then she turned towards the two others. "We need the house secured, here has been an unwanted soul recently".

The rest had been like a dream. I had just stood there and seen how the woman with her whispering voice had made all the guest leave calmly. Even Davina had gotten all Zombie like and left without protesting.

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now