All the pain in the world

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Warning: This chapter contains torture and murder
I come out from the shower with a towel wrapped around me. In my room I get my phone to put on some music. I see I have gotten a text. 'I'm afraid I won't make it to see you tonight. This is running late. See you tomorrow'.

Fuck ! I mean I have gotten used to Tom being a Night owl, but I still get disappointed when he have to work half the night and I don't get to see him.

"There isn't much money in running nightclubs in the morning". He had said when I asked. "I Got tired of changing my rhythm back and forth all the time and I realised I worked better at night".

I put on some music, throw the towel on the bed and pulls on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I grab my hairdryer and is about to start it when I hear what sounds like the front door opening.

"Mom ?"I call out. There is no answer and I shrug and start drying my hair.

Shortly after there is a big crash from the kitchen. Was that a glass getting smashed ?

"Mom ? Are you okay ?" I turn of the dryer. "Mom ?"

There is still no answer. Can my mom have fallen or something ? I hurry out into the kitchen. In the hallway I see that the front door is wide open. A bad feeling sneak up on me and I hurry to close and lock the door. I turn to see a smashed glass on the floor by the sink.

"Mom ? Why are you sitting in the darkness ?" I call out. Carefully I step around the broken glass and into the livingroom to turn on the light.

The living room is empty ! The bad feeling gets worse and I get chills down my spine.

"Is anybody here ?" My voice are slightly shaking and I swallow. There is a weak smell in the room, a perfume I don't recognise. "Tom if it is you fucking with me, then it isn't funny at all". I yell into the room, then I walk quickly to the window pulling the curtain away. There is no one there. Quickly I check behind the armchair and the couch. No one there either.

A sound down from my room makes me jump.

"Tom, if it is you, please come out. I am freaking out here". I walk back through the kitchen and to my moms room. I look in her closet and under her bed. Nothing that shouldn't be there, so I walk back to my own room and check under my own bed.

"Okay I am going crazy". I sigh and turn to go back to the kitchen to clean up the glass. With a scared gasp I stop in my track. Someone is leaned against the doorframe.

"You should really remember to lock the door Davina". He say picking at his black nail polish.

"Fuck ! You scared the shit out of me Your asshat". I tell him of, rubbing my temple. "What are you doing here so late ?"

"You were just about to shit yourself". He giggles.

"Oh yeah, so very funny". I glare at him angrily.

"But seriously". His smile disappears. "Have you seen Soleil lately ?"

"Sol ?" I say curtly. "Just get it already, she isn't interested". I am about to throw a thrashing in his direction, but something in his gaze makes my skin crawl.

From the doorway comes a laughter with not the slightest hint of humor in it.

"Casper". I whisper. "What are you doing ?"

"You and me are going to have a small chat. You see I have been very lenient and  patient with you". He say cooly. "But I am honestly tired of this game". He pushes of the doorframe and steps towards me.

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