Acting out of character

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A cloud slides in front of the moon and in the darkness it feels like to forest is closing in on us. I just stand there, clutching my staff, scared to move. The last month of training, everything I have learned about doing this, has just been swept away by the horror of reality. The monsters, they are for Real and I am standing here, Waiting for then to come, closing there giant jaws around my neck.

"They are not coming back". Marta say softly. "Let's get these fires lighted".

"Come". A voice whispers close to me, making me jump. "Relax it is just me". I recognize Gudruns soft voice and as her small hand grabs my forearm I am finally pulled from my trance.

"There are three high ones and they just killed an innocent". Marta say to Siri. "We have to hurry up and stop them before they reach town and tear it apart".

Siri nods and sits down on the ground. She closes her eyes and start searching for the hamrams thoughts. Shortly after she grabs her head, moaning with strain. Not far from here a howl turn into a man's angry screams.

"I got one of them. Go quickly before I lose control and he changes back". She say, closing her eyes.

Marta waves me and Gudrun with her. The scream had come from where I had thrown the hamram and we find him leaning on a tree. The man isn't moving, he just stand there leaned over, leaning on the tree. When Gudrun starts spinning her teeth, he slowly turns, growling at us, showing of his fangs. His eyes are amber like when he is in wolf form, but Siri keeps him in his human shape.

Slowly Marta moves in a circle around him, while Gudrun keeps his focus on her by twirling her staff. But he is not getting fooled; instead he turns his head, growling a warning to Marta, letting her know that he is well aware of what she is doing. He snaps his jaws, and is clearly fighting Siri's control. He manage to turn so he Can see both Gudrun and Marta. He looks like he is powering up to change, but Siri's control holds for now.

"Sol Your turn ! Walk around me and behind him. He can't watch all three of us at the same time". Marta say, not taking her eyes of the man.

I have only taken a couple of steps, when I hear Siri's voice in my mind. 'They are coming'.

Right then Marta was knocked over by the dark brown hamram. She made herself limp and Lets herself roll down, putting her legs and staff up against it's massive chest, flipping it over her. In a flash Gudrun was on it, slamming her staff into it's shoulder before it can attack again.

"Sol stay here and keep the man at bay". Marta yells, getting on her feet, swinging her staff, attacking it from the other side.

Nervously I turn my attention towards the man, watching him fight Siri enough to take a step closer to me. My voice is shaking. "Stay right there".

An angry sheer rolls through his teeth and he takes another step closer. "Fuck you witch".

The deep inhuman voice pulls me out of my passive fear and I throw a ball of wind towards him, knocking him back to the tree. Without any trouble he pushes away from the tree and stubbornly takes another step towards me.

I have to do something else than throw with air. He is not exactly getting hurt by the air.

What to do ?

I stare into his hate filled eyes and I realise that I will have to kill him or he will kill me.

I start twirling my staff and hesitantly step towards the man. Then I hear Marta scream with pain.

"No !" Gudrun yells.

I quickly turn, filled with fear. Marta is on the ground, pulling herself backwards with her right arm hanging down limp. The big hamram has bitten right through her muscles and broken her arm. A gaping wound has a bone poking out and blood is pumping out.

Without thinking of her own safety Gudrun jumps on the hamram. She slams her staff into its flank, then jumps right over the beast, smashing the staff into its opposite side. The giant wolf is pushed sideways by her blows.

The fight has messes up my focus and I forgot watching the man. Suddenly I am picked up, flying through the air and hitting a large three head first. I slide to the ground, black spots dancing before my eyes. When I try getting to my feet my legs collapse under me. It gets totally dark and at first I think I have fainted, but then I hear a rolling guttural sound above me. With my last energy I force my eyes open, looking directly into green eyes with splashes of hazel. The smaller brown hamram growls at me, closing in on my face.

"Gudrun please help me". My yell for help comes out as nothing but a whisper.

The sound of my voice makes the hamram stop. It closes its mouth, but it stays bend over me. I have to use this unexpected opening, so I start whispering. The wind picks up, but the hamram don't move an inch. Just as I am about to hit it with a gust of wind in it's face our eyes lock. There is something about its eyes, something well known.

Not everything is black and white, trust Your instincts. Tjalfe's words go through my mind and I stop whispering.

"Sol ! Watch out!" Gudrun yells.

The big dark brown one has given up on attacking Marta and is moving towards me. The brown one, still stay above me, almost like it is protecting me. It flattens its ears back and sink down in its shoulders, whining slightly. The bigger one stops and growls. To scared to do anything I watch the smaller one step in front of me and make another whining Sound towards the bigger hamram. The big one growl angrily and step forward, but hesitates when the smaller one flashes its teeth warningly.

"Martin". It sounds tiredly from the man. "Get us out of here. The kid is back in control".

The big dark brown one huffed and in a long jump it was beside the man. With a gliding movement it picked him up and yapped at the smaller brown one, still standing protectively over me, before it disappeared into the forest. The brow turns to me, looking into my eyes for a long moment, before running of after the others.

Petrified I stay on the ground, staring after it as it disappears between the trees. My vision goes dark, and I realise I have been holding my breath. With a choked up gasp I suck in air and with each breath my brain is screaming that I am still breathing, that I am still alive.

'Sol help Gudrun get Marta back to the circle'.

Quickly I get up and run to Gudrun, who are bend over Marta. I Can hear the surprise in my own voice. "You are okay ? But Your arm ?"

"It is still smashed up". Marta sends me a pain filled smile. "I'm okay".

"I have stopped the bleeding, but we'll have to help her back. She has lost a rather big amount of blood". Gudrun puts Marta's bound arm around her shoulder. "Help me get her up".

"Sure, of course". I gently grab her other arm, and help pulling her to her feet.

'They are gone. They must have left in the car'. Siri sounds surprised.

I look at Gudrun, who looks at me. I can see she is just as shaken as me, but none of us is saying anything.

We place Marta against the pole in the middle of the circle, when we reach the clearing. Siri knebles down next to her and starts to examine the wound.

"We have to pull it back in its place". She say. "Gudrun could you go get me the morphine ?"

Gudrun nods and goes to the backpack, returning with a syringe that she pushes into Marta's thigh.

"Siri.. was it you who turned them against each other ?" Gudrun's voice was filled with uncertainty.

"No". She answers shortly. She gently brushes a hand over Marta's forehead and make sure the that the morphine has started working.

"But what happened then ? Why did they run ? Why...". I go quiet and see the green eyes with the hazel flakes before me, they had been so close to me. "Why didn't it kill me ?"

I don't get an answer.

Marta's scream rings through the forest when Gudrun pulls her arm into place. Siri quickly put her hands on the break and start singing in melodic and soft galdr, while Gudrun keeps the arm in place. When she stops singing Gudrun lets go.

Marta inspects her hand, opening and closing it. Then she bends and stretch her elbow and rotate the shoulder. She gets up, her voice calm. "Good, It'll hold for now".

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now