Eye candy

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It takes me all day searching the shore for a branch that are usable for my staff. Tjalfe had told me I would know, that it would stand out from the rest. Problem is, none of them are standing out to me. In the end I give up and start helping the vaetter clean up. Even if Gudrun has told me about other beings than trolls and elves, I almost fall on my but when little beings with big shimmering wings introduces themself as fairies.

"We are the spirits of the trees and we protect the forest, the animals and the plants. You can call for us by sitting under a tree". One of the fairies say.

"I am really sorry to have disturbed the balance like this". I apologise, as I drag a heavy branch away to the stack.

"Well you have made sure there are fire wood for a long time and lots to repair the cabin. It Can use it". The fairy explains. "As you see we are turning the destruction into something good. The trolls is collecting the dead fish, laying them out for the bears and wolves".

I might look a bit confused.

"The real wolves". The fairy laughs, it sounds like tiny silver bells. "They get an easy meal and more might survive the winter this year".

The fairy doesn't sound like she blames me at all and it helps my mood a bit. Actually none of the vaetter is as much as sending me a glare, while I help them houl the wood away. But I still feel guilty though.

"It is still horrible what I did. So many animals and trees are dead because of me". I glance at the fairy.

The tiny female form with the shiny wings sits down on a branch next to me. "Oh I feel how upset you are sister. You are helping with the clean up; that shows remorse. And you have received Your punishment, so no one expects more from you".

"What punishment is that ? I haven't really been punished honestly". I say confused.

"You were destined for something big. You had been given unfathomable powers, but they have been taken away again. After all, you are only human". The fairy say.

"Only human; what do you mean ?" I scrunch up my forehead.

The fairy just smiles and fly away to pick up more twigs.


Late in the afternoon I sink down on the porch chair, feeling utterly exhausted. On my way back from the lake I had grabbed a branch from a birch and I have found an old rusty hacksaw in the shack, that has to be usable for cutting slices of the branch. When I have caught my breath, I grab the hacksaw and start sliding the branch into 1 cm pieces. Half an hour later I have 24 pieces on the table. Or actually 30, but they were not all usable. When I am done I grab some sandpaper and start making them smooth. It takes forever, but I enjoy doing something quiet and focused on my own. I am not used to always having people around me. At home my mom often work late and it isn't every day I see Davina.

Davina !

With a pang of guilt i fish out my phone. I had totally forgot to answer her.

'Yeah it is hard going into the clinic every morning and see that the line of sick people are longer than the day before. It is like we only scrap the top of the iceberg. So what are you spending Your time on ?'

It rips at me every time I have to lie about what I am doing and were I am. I have no idea if the things I write about Ghana is even true, I only have tv spots from different organisations to go on.

There is a small beep from my phone.

'I feel you so much sweetie. It is so cool what you are doing, but it's so lame here without you. Casper is driving me insane. He asks about you all the time'.

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now