At the goth club

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When we get into town my stomach is doing flip flops. What am I doing here ? I can't go around like this in public, what would my mother think, seeing me like this ? I grab Davina's arm. "I am not going to survive you know".

"Of course you do. See it from a positive point. Down here, tonight, you are not standing out in a bad way". She wink at me.

I look down myself, I am not so sure.

"You look so hot Sol, believe me". She say smiling. "You look so beautiful, all the guys is going to notice you".

She pulls me up to the entrance. Saying a quick hello to the two doormen, before walking inside. I am following her like a lost puppy. Looking in a mirror on my Way in I look more like a scared rabbit than a femme fatale.

"You are not you, you are someone else. A cool chick like the others". I mumble to myself, trying to boost my self esteem.

"So ready to do this doll ?" Davina say taking my hand.

I breathe in deeply and nod. my voice is more of a croak. "I was born to do this".

The club is a big long room, with a dampende lighting. The walls is painted with very artsy graffiti, broken by areas of dark colours, making a contrast to the mostly black clothed guest. Just inside there was a rectangular bar to the right, running along the wall down to a broad stair. The stairs lead to a balcony, were some people was watching the dance floor underneath. Under the balcony there are a lot of small couch areas.

"The stair and balcony is totally of limits". Davina tells me, having followed my eyes. She grabs my hand, pulling me to the bar.

While she is ordering drinks, I stand watching the room. So this is the infamous Grotto. I notice windows behind the couch area, and behind the windows a lounge wit a small bar. It seems like a more quiet place to talk.

"Hey Davina". A guy with pitch black hair in spikes and his ears and nose filled with rings apparently behind us. "And who is Your friend ?"

"This is Soleil I told you about". Davina answers and hugs the guy.

"Well hi then and welcome. I am Mark". He say, smiling friendly at me.

"So this is where you are hiding". Three other people show up from the couches. I can't help staring a bit at the girl. I was getting used to Davina's victorian inspired dresses and corsets, this girl was dressed totally different. The clothes looked like an old fashioned french maid outfit in purple and black satin. She looked like a housefrau wanting to spice up the sex life. But a hausfrau would probably have stopped with the outfit. This girl went all out with a glory of purple hair. But her makeup said innocent with big eyes and a pouty mouth.

They other two was guys. One of them stopped up, putting an arm around the girl. His bangs kept falling into his eyes, and he blew them away, glaring around with a bored expression.

"This is Sascha and Oliver". Davina tells me, after having hugged them both. They say hallo, and I shyly greet them back.

The last guy stepped forward to greet me, giving Davina a hug before turning towards me. Davina's voice was a bit harsh. "This is Soleil and you better behave and not scare her away".

"Don't worry, I swear I am Mr nice guy". He send Davina a short smile, then he grabbed my hand, kissing it softly. "I'm Casper". He said sending me a Big smile and a wink. Compared to the others he was pretty normal in slim fit jeans and a tight Iron maiden t-shirt. The dark hair was smoothed back and his eyes were drawn up by a blurred out eyeliner. He was actually rather good looking and I feel the heat rise in my cheeks, when his eyes catch mine.

"Oh hi". I say, pulling my hand away feeling rather flurried.

"We were on our way to get a fill up at the bar. We are down in the corner by the DJ, are you joining us ?" Sasha rolled her eyes and poked Oliver, who grabbes Casper, dragging him to the bar.

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