He is a rockstar

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I walk up the stairs to the lounge. I hesitate for a moment when I see that Mark is talking to a stunning woman. But he sees me and waves me over. He looks a bit floored. "This is Celine".

"Hi". I say, sending her a friendly smile. She answers without looking at me. She has deep red lips and long silver blonde hair with a stripe the same colour as her lipstick. Her dress is long and sleeves black leather, with a slit in one side all the way up to her hip. Her makeup is dramatic and her eyes almost see through with a dark circle around them.

Then she turns to look at me, her eyes taking in every inch of me, then she smiles, showing of perfectly white fangs. "You are new here".

"Yeah, it's only the second time I am here". I answer. I would have sword the woman just smelled me.

"So how do you like it here ?" Her eyes don't leave me for a second.

She honestly makes me very uncomfortable, she seems to be to caught up in her whole act. But Davina had told me that a lot of the vampire goths didn't see it as an act, they actually believe themself vampires, but still I find it to much. "It's .. intriguing".

Celine didn't say anything for so long that it starts to become uncomfortable, but the Royal don't seem to care. Suddenly she gets up. "It was a pleasure meeting you Soleil. Please excuse me". The she float of down the stairs to the dancefloor.

Both me and Mark just sit there looking after her. "What was that about ?" It just comes out, but then I realise that her and Mark could be friends. "Sorry, it wasn't to talk badly of her, but some of them are rather dramatic aren't they ?"

"They can be pretty intense". Mark say looking admiring the way she disappeared. "I have no idea what it was about. She just came and sat down".

We both look out on the dancefloor, where Celine has started dancing and people instantly move, giving her space to move.

"That is some kind of woman". Mark is staring captivated on the blonde vampire goth, before finally turning to me. "So you wanted to talk wicca stuff ?"

"Yeah". Honestly I also have to force my eyes away from her. It is like she has this power to keep Your attention. "I have read a bit about it, and as I said, I would really like to know some more. I thought you might know which web pages are usable or maybe some books you could recommend ? Everytime I read something online, I read the opposite on the next one. I don't really know what to believe".

"You need to be very careful seeking information on the net. Most of it is some romantic bullshit based of old lies and things we know not to be true". He shakes his head looking annoyed. "And a lot of people thinks they know everything and just closes of for logic and reason".

"What do you mean ?"

"Well the fake info you will meet the most is the one that wicca is some ancient religion. That it should have survived the inquisition and has been handled down through generations by 'natural witches'". He made quotation marks with his fingers.

I nod. "Yeah almost every page say that.

"As I said, there is a lot of bullshit out there, but it is hard to explain deeply here". He grins. "You can come by some day if you want to, then I can answer all Your questions more deeply". He says.

I scrunch up my forehead.

"Listen up, everybody has the right to do it the way they like, no problem". Mark leans back in the chair. "I am not trying to get into Your knickers Sol". He laughs softly.

Embarrassed that he had read my mind, I look out on the dancefloor.

"A friend of Davina is a friend of mine. And I would feel bad if you fell for the fluffy bunnies and their bullshit if I can prevent it". He say.

"Fluffy what ?" I look back at him curiously.

"Fluffy bunnies. It's people who uses wicca to seem cool and interesting. To be different you know. Like with the goth style. It's sad really. Wicca isn't some silly hobby, it's a lifestyle, a faith". He says.

"That is how I feel too". I lean forward. "I mean when I first read about it, I felt like it was written to me personally. I felt like.. Well like I.. oh I don't know..".

"..Like you found a place to belong". Mark say.

I nod.

"Well if you are interested you can get my number from Davina. You can always come by for a chat". Mark say with a friendly smile. "Should we join the others. Davina is looking like she miss us".

"Yeah we better join her". I say with a small laugh getting up. On the way back my eyes involuntarily goes to the balcony. Tom is back, standing there looking over the club. His gaze is fixed on other guests and a part of me feel disappointed. But mostly I am happy, it would be hard to explain to Mark having a Tom 'attack' in front of him.

But as I get closer to the bar the disappointment win me over. He hadn't looked at me at all. When I reach the bar I am a mess and I feel so bad for feeling this way. I instantly pull Davina with me to a couch. Psychoanalysis or not, I need her advice.

"I looked at Tom".

"We all do, I mean he stands up there showing himself up". She smiles overbearing.

"Not like that. He was staring at me again. And I don't know, it was something happened with me. I just stood there staring back". I feel the blush creep up my neck.

"Again ?"

"Yes again.. I swear it looked like he wanted to.. Well you know..". I say, knowing the blush has reached my cheeks now.

She raises one eyebrow and nod with a grin. "And is there anything wrong with that".

"But for a moment I wanted it, I wanted him". I mumble. "What about Zac ?"

"Hey it's totally natural. If a totally sexy guy like Tom was giving me the 'fuck you later' eyes, I would wet my panties too". She say giggling.

Wet my panties ! I stiffen when I realise what the burning feeling and the raw desire had been. I had gotten turned on by Tom looking at me. The idea is so shocking to me that I choke on my cola.

"What are you doing ?" Davina was howling with laughter.

"Oh God I am going to die". I say coughing and spluttering between words.

Davina is still laughing and my perplex face is not helping her. "What the fuck is happening doll ?"

"Seriously, how can I be crazy about one guy and have sinful thoughts about another one ? Isn't there a word for that ?" I am finally done laughing.

"Yeah, imaginative ?"

"That wasn't very serious". I complain.

"Okay, okay". She leans forward, looking serious. "There is nothing wrong with you. You are just.. blooming at little later than others. I mean I had my first crush at like thirteen. Damn I learned how to masturbate that summer". She giggles when I blush, looking around. "Oh stop being such a virgin. I mean sometime people have sex in here, it won't floor them hearing about self love".

I shake my head. "Well I don't want to know".

"Anyways". She continues. "It is simple. You happens to have fallen for a really sweet and very hot guy like Zac and Your body has the hots for an out of this World sexy and very unobtainable guy like Tom. The thing with Tom is not reality, he is a fantasy and it is okay to have fantasies. Just you wait till it evolves between you and Zac and you Will forget everything about Tom".

"You are probably right". I look at my glass and laughs shortly. "I feel so stupid".

"Look around doll". Davina nods towards the other guests. "Most people in here feel exactly like you. He is a freaking rock star".

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now