One angry vampire

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*The vampire*
I slam my fist into the mahogany table. "What the hell do you mean that you can't find her ?" I hiss into the phone. "I assigned you one job and I expect you to do that".

The voice rattles of some stupid excuse.

"Just get it done". I yell and cut of the call. Closing my eyes I grind my teeth, breathing in slowly through the nose.

There is still no sign of my girl. For a whole month I have patiently wanted and watched her house, but she is impossible to track when she has no scent. In my desperation I have made a mistake.. a huge mistake. Getting someone else involved in my hunt for her isn't just categorically stupid, but potential suicide. Rule number one is to never trust anyone, especially not the clan. There is always that little brown nosing idiot that wants to climb the ladder and Wupti I got Strano nosing about before I have time to say 'wasn't me'. It is just a question of time, so I have to find her. How can it be so difficult ?

The anger is boiling inside me and I have to keep a firm grip on the chair not to storm out and rip the whole damn town apart to find her. I have stuck,to blood in a bag for so long that the hunger for fresh blood is driving into me like a bulls dick up a chicken ass. I jump to my feet and hurry into my dressing room, finding an appropriate set of clothes.

Fuck all of them ! Fuck that bitch cow and my oh so noble idea of staying pure for her. I want some fucking real food not from a nasty plastic bag.

On my Way down the stairs I pull up my hood, storming past Natascha and the security guards. I hear her ask something in that annoying proper voice. And I sneer. "Not now".

If I have to stop now and listen to her yapping, I'll just end up ripping her tits of and stuffing them down her big mouth. I wonder what Strano and his lackeys would Think of that.

In the courtyard I fall into a sprint down the driveway, continuing along the road into town, letting my senses seek for the sweet scent of cow. Running past the hospital I feel nauseous and I shudder, no vegetable juice just won't do it now. I need Real adrenaline filled and fresh blood.

Then I remember that there is some Nice paths behind the hospital, which is used a lot by wrinkled old cows with walking sticks and joggers. I have hunted here before. It is lighted and open enough for the cows to feel safe. But hidden enough to make it a good place to hunt.

Go search for the perfect place to wait, jumping up into a tree and sitting on the branch. A lonely jogger comes down the path from the other side of the hospital. I let him run past me, before dropping soundlessly to the ground and following him.

"Hunting or fishing ?" I ask myself, to low for him to hear.

The man shows no sign of being attracted to other men. His scent has no other masculine scents than his own. With my mouth open I take in his scent and taste the little pearls of sweet hanging in the air around him.

Nope ! Some ball rubbing isn't going to satisfy me now anyway. I laugh to myself. "Hunting it is then".

The jogger turns halfway around when I put weight behind my steps, letting him know that I am there. I stop under a street lamp, revealing my true face, showing my fangs in a sadistic smile. The man lets out a strangled smile and starts running.

Without even trying I get closer and closer to the jogger, who ran as fast as his legs could carry him. But I am in no hurry. He will taste so much better and I Will get so many more delicious feelings if I let him stew for a bit, releasing more adrenaline and cortisol in the blood.

We are getting closer to the big road and the jogger is screaming for help. It is time to end the hunt, so I move closer to my prey. Three meters from him I jump, landing on his shoulders. We tumble down on the path and to my surprise he turns and starts hitting me with everything he got.

"You pathetic piece of meat". I laugh happily. "How cute is it that you squirm like this ?" Easily I catch his arms, hissing right into his face with my fangs showing. He goes limp under me and loses control of his bladder.

"Perfect ! Now you are pissing yourself too. You are going to be so delish to sink my teeth into". I run my tongue up his neck, tasting hos salty sweat. "Uhm lots of spices in you".

Trouble free, like the jogger is a small child I pull him with me into a nearby bush, laying home down. I hold him with one hand as I pull up his shirt and find a knife in my pocket. Then I stab him in the stomach a couple of times. Hearing him scream and plead for his life.

"Yeah I know it stings a bit, but it will be over soon". I consolidate him, before bending down and drinking from the blood pooling in his belly button.

Slowly the life leaves him, while I greedily drink the nutritious soup, enjoying the feelings I get through the blood. Only when I feel the butterflies in my stomach and a rush of a fight dancing through my heart I feel more alive than I ever did when I was alive. How Can the counsel deny me or themself this pleasure ?

The jogger draws his last breath and I get up feeling disappointed. It is always over to quick. I bend over the body, checking the pockets. I find his wallet and phone, pocketing them.

"Well you are laying kind of cosy here my pretty". I mumble, looking over the crime scene one last time. The body has his hands on the stomach, covering the wounds. It looks like a mugging gone wrong and I am sure no one will consider the truth.

Happy with myself I breathe in. There are a couple of cows coming, so I put on his headphones and disappear as I nod to the beat.

When I reach my estate I run to the backside of the house, jumping up the wall to the second storey, crawling through the window to my private rooms. I walk directly to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My shirt are drenched in blood, so it is probably better not to walk through the house like this.

"You better take a shower Your scoundrel". I smile at my own bloody face, like a politician on his way to give a speech about marriage after visiting his whore.

There is a knock on my door. My voice sounds cheerful as I turn on the water. "Come on in".

Natascha peaks inside, looking at me with disapprovement. "You have a meeting in half an hour boss".

"What ?" I put on my most innocent face. "One of the bags burst".

"You are living on the edge. Someday they will find out what you are doing and you know what the counsel will do then".

"Don't worry kitten. I have no plans of leaving any time soon. Would you miss me ?" I ask with a cheeky grin.

"You know I would". She whispers, looking down.

I walk into the shower, closing my eyes as I let the water rain on my face. The blood is running of me in red streaks and when I open my eyes I see Natascha staring at me.

"Is it the meat juices or just the meat turning you on ?" I smile teasingly. "Why don't you get in her and wash my back honey ?"

Her eyes are ablaze with desire, but she shakes her head. "Your meeting is in town, we don't have the time for that".

"You know I can fire you for insubordination right ?" I pout.

"And you know that I am not hired by you right ? So I would love to see you try". She shoots back.

"I love when talk dirty". I grin. "Okay you are winning this round. But I am so spanking that naughty ass when I get back.. as a punishment for saying no to me".

"It Will be my pleasure boss". She answers and close the door behind her as she leaves.

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