Talking super powers and helping spirits

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The others were already filling their plates, when I come in. From the front door I step directly into a old fashioned combined dining and living room. I can see a kitchen through an door. I walk over to the table, sitting down at the empty spot.

I suddenly realise how hungry I am and I start leading food up on my plate when Gudrun hands me the dish with the fish.

"I noticed that you made the wind blow back in Your garden and when you received Your calling there was a violent wind involved too". Siri said before taking a bite of the fish. "After lunch we better try figure out where that comes from".

"So that is my superpower or what ?" Chasing a potato around my plate, Finally speaking it with my fork.

Gudrun coughed almost choking on her fish. "I wish it was like that ! I could use some spider senses once in a while". She laughed.

"Unfortunately we are not superheroes Soleil". Marta said firmly, sending Gudrun a glare that made her try to swallow her laugh.  "But depending on what kind of vaetter we have as our kin, we all have different areas where we are strongest. But we do all Master all the elements of seiðr".

"Vaetter ?" I remember having heard them mention the word back in my garden.

"The vaetter is our helpers". Gudrun looked at Siri, like she was asking permission. "Maybe we should show Soleil instead ?"

"I think that will be okay". Siri answered. "I think Soleil has already met a lot of vaetter".

I scrunch up my forehead. "I don't know any vaetter.. I don't think so anyway".

"Try to remember Your dreams. You were not alone were you ?" Siri's word makes me gasp.

"But those are just dreams". I say, trying to brush it of.

"Maybe". Siri say softly. "But maybe you could tell us about it anyway ?"

"There are those humanoid creatures in the stones and they come to life somehow". I tell them, once again feeling that blanket wrap around me, making me spill everything from the dreams.

"Those are vaetter". Marta confirmed, glancing shortly at Siri.

"And the two scary shadows, are those vaetter too ?" I ask. Even if I try fighting the manipulation I know they are submitting me to I can't deny my own curiosity has been awakened. It had been nice talking to Davina about things, but those women seemed to know what was going on.

"Scary shadows ? That doesn't sound like vaetter". Siri looked kind of surprised. "Can you describe them a bit closer".

While I finish up eating I try to recall the dreams. "There were two dark shadows, they Tried to get through the stone circle. They were .. Uhh. Angry because they couldn't get to me.. I Think".

"Could you see what they looked like ?" Gudrun asked curiously.

"They were.. unclear. One had long claws.. or maybe more like nail and it was hissing, almost like a cat. The other one was much bigger and looked different.. uhm hairy. It kind of roared. In the last dream there was a huge wolf and it turned into a human. I have a feeling that it was the biggest shadow, but I am not sure". I shake my head slightly. "I can't remember it to well and I didn't see the shadows in details. The weird thing was that I wasn't scared; I just raised my hand and made the wind blow the monster away".

"You say that there are two different kind of creatures ? And one was hissing ? Could it be some kind of growl ?"  Gudrun ask.

I shake my head. "No it was hissing and it looked much more like a human than the other one, but it was just as scary. I am sorry that I can't describe them better".

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